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Fundraising Tech Systems Diagram
Fundraising Tech Stack

This is the homepage for fundraising-tech documentation. If you can't find what you are looking from from here then take a look at our documentation plan and add the appropriate header & links.

Note that much of the content on this page should be moved to linked pages.


Mediawiki extensions

The following Mediawiki extensions related to fundraising are installed on the payments wiki:


Renders donation forms and handles donor interaction, redirecting donors to payment processors when necessary and then either presenting an error or redirecting to a thank you page.

Extension documentation on mediawiki.org


Allows a donor to unsubscribe from fundraising-related emails.

Extension documentation on mediawiki.org

Central Notice

Extension documentation on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CentralNotice

Fundraiser Landing Page

Extension documentation on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FundraiserLandingPage

Landing Check

Extension documentation on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LandingCheck

Public reporting

We export some extremely aggregated datasets in CSV format at https://frdata.wikimedia.org/. They are generated every half hour by the public_data_export process-control job running the fundraiser_public_data_export and fundraiser_public_data_mover child jobs.

fundraiser_public_data_export runs the FundraiserStatisticsGen/fundstatgen.py script from the tools repo, then fundraiser_public_data_mover just rsyncs the data to the frdata server.

legacy DonationForm - reusable frontend


WMF fundraising uses CiviCRM to track donor data.

There is a guide to dealing with outages and upgrades.

We manually send these in early January, summarising all donations for the year, broken into Endowment & Foundation. See technical details

Matching Gifts HEP Integration

We get data from HEP with information on companies that match donations.

See the Deployment Instructions.


Service Providers

Payment processors


Fundraise Up


Maxmind geolocation

Currency rates

Employer matching gifts

Service Provider Name Payment method Production URL SandBox URL Sandbox Accounts Test Cards
Adyen Credit cards, iDEAL https://ca-live.adyen.com/ https://ca-test.adyen.com/ Org email https://docs.adyen.com/development-resources/testing/test-card-numbers
Google Pay https://pay.google.com/business/console/home Org email https://groups.google.com/g/googlepay-test-mode-stub-data
Apple Pay FR-Tech SandBox Accounts
Ingenico Credit cards, iDEAL https://wpc.gcsip.com/wpc/login https://wpc.gcsip.nl/wpc/login Org email Ingenico Test Card (Google Sheets) https://epayments.developer-ingenico.com/payment-product/visa/testing
DLocal Credit cards, lots of local bank transfer options https://dashboard.dlocal.com/ https://dashboard.dlocal.com/ Org email Any card number sequence is accepted, error response is tested using description
PayPal Paypal https://www.paypal.com/signin https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/ Config-Private Use FR tech account for testing
Braintree Paypal https://www.braintreegateway.com/login https://sandbox.braintreegateway.com/login Config-Private Paypal - Use FR Tech Account for testing
Acoustic https://login-campaign-us-4.goacoustic.com/

Cluster layout, deployment, codebases


Jobs for analytics processing run on fran1001. The primary database server for analytics data is frdb1003. Jobs include:

  • DjangoBannerStats, a legacy python codebase that ingresses data about banner impressions and Donate Wiki landing page impressions to the pgehres database. For details, see DjangoBannerStats documentation.

Staging server

Civicrm Staging Server

Payments Staging Server


  • Routes donors to the correct payment processor based on the country, currency, and payment method.
  • Incoming links from donatewiki and banners hit this special page on paymentswiki rather than going directly to individual gateways
    • This allows us to disable a gateway on paymentswiki and have traffic flow immediately to the backup

We have the ability to use several payment processors for online donations. Currently, we route most credit card donations to Adyen.

  • Adyen - Main credit card processor, also has iDEAL, ApplePay, and GooglePay
  • Amazon - A widget on our page, integrated using Login and Pay with Amazon.
  • dLocal - A payment processor specializing in the local payment methods of South America and India
  • Ingenico - Ingenico has the ability to handle payments from multiple international systems including: credit card, direct debit, real time bank transfer, eWallets and more. We're currently only using them for cards.

See also, Ways to Give for our recommended donation methods according to country.

Acoustic is the service we use to send out bulk emails. They are able to handle high volumes of emails and are responsible for managing server reputation to improve deliverability. Acoustic also provide tools for A-B testing to see which emails perform better. In order to be able to use our donor information from Acoustic we have a nightly upload job. We also re-import information from acoustic - for details go to Fundraising/Data and Integrated Processes/Acoustic Integration

Note that prior brandings of the Acoustic platform may still linger - ie Silverpop, WCM, Watson Campaign Manager, or sometimes just 'IBM'

SMS Integration (via Acoustic)

In 2024 we introduced SMS solicitation via the remind me later form. The process is described at Fundraising/Data and Integrated Processes/SMS

Monthly convert is a pop up that appears after a one time donation asking if the donor would like to set up a recurring donation.

Audits are our way of checking the data at the payment processor with our data in civi. Depending on the payment processor we may also have IPNs to triple check the data. They also are how refunds and chargebacks get back to us.

So many different ways to identify transactions!

Refer to docs at https://collab.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising/Engineering/Fraud

Fail mail refers to the emails received by fr-tech when proesses fall over. Diagnositic details are in the Failmail zoo

How we work (Team Processes)

Fundraising Tech is a Scrum team. We use Phabricator to manage our backlog and we work in 2-week sprints.

Fundraising Emergencies

Fundraising Engineering Documentation has with system information and emergency response protocols. Or more specifically Shutting the pipeline down details how/when to disable banner campaigns or other fundraising/payment services.

Fundraising On-Call documentation

See on-call documentation for instructions for on-call duty.

Feature / Bug Trackers

There's loads of information about how fr-tech triages bugs at Fundraising/Bug Triaging Not sure what to do next? See Fundraising Tech's Phabricator Workboard

PCI Compliance

Payment Card Industry rules we have to follow to keep accepting credit cards.

Development Tools

Getting Started

Local setup for cluster SSH access


Testing locally




Logdog helps you hunt through the logs.

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