Fundraising/Data and flow/Queues/Testing

From Wikitech

First steps for all

  • CentralNotice banner or donatewiki (later)
  • watch for messages being pushed to redis:
/vagrant$ redis-cli monitor | grep RPUSH
  • submit donation form, which adds messages to pending queue
    • Works for Amazon as long as you are using https (vagrant roles enable https), returnURL is and you are in test mode. Need to use test accounts from Amazon payments console
    • AstroPay: need VPN, and need to use credit card 'GNB', only enabled for BR when $wgAstroPayGatewayTest = true 
      • Cpf: 00003456789
      • Email:
  • Consume pending to db
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ php Maintenance/ConsumePendingQueue.php

if docker

docker@smashpig:/srv/smashpig$ php Maintenance/ConsumePendingQueue.php
  • clear pending transactions from smashpig pending db with certain payment methods and already pending more than certain days

if docker

docker@smashpig: php Maintenance/DeleteExpiredPendingMessages.php --gateway=ingenico --days=1
  • consume antifraud and payments-init queue messages
drush --user=1 -v -r /vagrant/srv/org.wikimedia.civicrm/drupal afqc
drush --user=1 -v -r /vagrant/srv/org.wikimedia.civicrm/drupal piqc

if docker

docker@civicrm:/srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal$ drush --user=1 -v -r afqc 
docker@civicrm:/srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal$ drush --user=1 -v -r piqc

if want to check the contribution tracking then run

docker@civicrm:/srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal$ drush --user=1 -v -r ctqc


( To test Redis job queue, make data-store/jobs config look like data-store/pending-new, with queue name changed to 'jobs', and replace StompJobRunner.php below with QueueJobRunner.php )

  • Create fake IPN messages matching pending queue messages
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ php Maintenance/CreateIpnMessagesFromPendingDb.php adyen
  • Simulate auth IPN listener hits
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ Tests/SoapInjector/ '/smashpig_http_handler.php?p=adyen/listener' auth_success.10.1.xml
  • run JobRunner to perform mock capture requests and send more antifraud queue messages
    • You can set your SmashPig.yaml to use a mock API endpoint to avoid hitting even the adyen test system, see PaymentProviders/Adyen/Tests/config_test_success.yaml
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ php Maintenance/StompJobRunner.php --config-node adyen
  • consume antifraud queue messages
drush --user=1 -v -r /vagrant/srv/org.wikimedia.civicrm/drupal fqc
  • Simulate capture IPN listener hits
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig/Tests$ ./ '/smashpig_http_handler.php?p=adyen/listener' ../../adyen-12345-captures.xml
  • run JobRunner to combine pending messages and send to completed queue
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ php Maintenance/StompJobRunner.php --config-node adyen


  • Create fake IPN messages matching pending queue messages
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ php Maintenance/CreateIpnMessagesFromPendingDb.php amazon
  • Simulate capture completed IPN listener hit - listener will add completed queue message with indication to look in pending queue for missing details
    • Maybe need to create a MockIpnHandler
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ PaymentProviders/Amazon/Tests/ '/smashpig_http_handler.php?p=amazon/listener' CaptureCompleted.7-0.json


  • Create fake IPN messages matching pending queue messages
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ php Maintenance/CreateIpnMessagesFromPendingDb.php --config-node astropay astropay
  • Simulate successful payment IPN listener hit - listener will add completed queue message with indication to look in pending queue for missing details
/vagrant/srv/SmashPig$ curl -d @success.37956.2.curl



Last steps for all

(if already in the right dir do not need -r xxxx)

  • Run donations queue consumer
drush --user=1 -v -r /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal qc
  • Run recurring queue consumer
drush --user=1 -v -r /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal rqc
  • Run unsubscribe/optin queue consumer
drush --user=1 -v -r /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal unsubqc
  • Run TY mail sender (is vagrant configured to fake email safely?) -
drush eval --user=1 -v -r /vagrant/srv/org.wikimedia.civicrm/drupal 'drush_thank_you();'


drush --user=1 -v -r /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal rfdqc