Fundraising/Team processes/Tech talks
2025-02-04 Tuesday Adding Email Preference Center Fallback when proxy down
2024-12-17 Tuesday Adding recurring email template (month/year) preview
2024-12-04 Wednesday Sms retrieve phone number
2023-11-14 Tuesday Caching in SmashPig
2023-10-10 Wednesday Dallas explains some graphs
2023-08-08 Tuesday Using RectorPHP (
2023-07-25 Tuesday Special Edition Discuss table updates/rotations for T339068
Offsite - San Francisco
2023-06-20 Special Edition In app Apple Pay
2023-06-20 Tuesday Part 1 - Going over our Amazon integration Part 2 - Looking at redis id mismatch and then back to Amazon
2023-06-07 Wednesday Deploying Central Notice
2023-03-14 Tuesday Putting Dlocal live, looking at civicrm watchdog replacement patches, debugging through Dlocal redirect testing
2023-02-14 Tuesday How fundraising dev is setup for jobs (silverpop, process control, django banner stats)
2023-02-08 Wednesday
2023-02-07 Tuesday
2023-01-31 Tuesday Begnning: testing watchdog replacement, ipn header testing End: getting fresh to work on docker
2023-01-17 Tuesday First half: Civi logs, acoustic email error Second half: talking about JS load order
2023-01-04 Wednesday
2023-01-03 Tuesday Looking at different chaos board tickets
2022-12-14 Wednesday Looking at dLocal form CSS then looking at why civi import had a no_thank_you of anonymous
2022-12-13 Tuesday Looking at stats
2022-12-07 Wednesday
2022-11-29 Tuesday Looking at data from banners (first day of en6c)
2022-11-15 Tuesday Looking at RML, watching queue speed during 100% test
2022-11-10 Wednesday Deploying to Civi, looking at monthly convert, looking at new Damaged UI
2022-11-09 Tuesday
2022-11-02 Wednesday What was it on
2022-11-01 Tuesday what was it on
2022-10-26 Wednesday What was this on
2022-10-25 Tuesday I think damaged table into searchkit, confirm
2022-10-19 Wednesday What was it on
2022-10-18 Tuesday What wasit on
2022-10-13 Special Thursday Edition - What was it on
2022-10-11 Tuesday - Chaos Crew questions then walkthrough of Paypal EC moving to Smashpig
2022-10-05 Wednesday What was it on
2022-10-04 Tuesday Chaos Crew questions
2022-09-28 Wedneday What was it on, something civi
2022-09-27 Tuesday What was it on
2022-09-22 Thursday - Special Edition Figuring out why CI wasn't working for
2022-09-21 Wednesday - Discussing how the audit module currently works and code review for
2022-09-20 Tuesday - Civi side of forget me process
2022-09-20 Tuesday - Special Edition - Merging updates from REL1_35 into fundraising/REL1_35
2022-09-14 Wednesday Pending Transaction Resolver for Adyen
2022-09-13 Tuesday Discussing how to refactor the Adyen Audit then talking about the Pending Transaction Resolver for Adyen
2022-9-06 Tuesday First part using apiv4 to find contribution recurs, stopped to not show PII
Second short part, doing a join in apiv4
2022-08-30 Tuesday Editing Civi triggers for recurrings then looking at more recurrings/duplicate tokens
2022-08-24 Wednesday find link
2022-08-23 - Tuesday Looking at Paypal IPNs from Bratinree
2022-08-17 - Wednesday Collecting questions for the Braintree call that happened right after the tech talk
2022-08-16 - Tuesday Looking into ideal no recurring id failmails and hunting for the bug
2022-08-03 - Wednesday - Figuring out how to test drush/maintence files for the braintree parser
2022-08-02 - Tuesday - Looking at adding debug to investigate queue delay
2022-07-27 - Wednesday -
2022-07-26 - Tuesday -
Advancement Offsite Dublin
2022-07-13 - Wednesday
2022-07-12 - Tuesday
2022-07-06 - Wednesday - Braintree recurring