Fundraising/Data and flow/PSP integrations/Braintree
Braintree | |
Original Name | Braintree |
Our Name | Braintree |
Current Name | Braintree |
Payment Methods | PayPal |
Countries | ? |
Documentation | |
Production Console | |
Test Console | |
Contact | ? |
Braintree is supposed to replace PayPal Express Checkout, but has been delayed because it requires an extra click from donors to make payments.
We used GraphQL first time as our API, As Google pay and apple pay from Adyen, Braintree PayPal render a button in our payments page and we now only collect the employ field, encrypting the data before submitting it to our server.
All calls to the Braintree API are routed through the SmashPig library. There are PaymentProcessor subclasses for each payment method.
Braintree Graphql API Explorer
Based on their graphql schema, we store graphql querys under Smashpig box PaymentProviders/Braintree/Queries
- we used `ping` to test the connection;
- we used `chargePaymentMethod` to create payments;
- we used `search` to get all transactions for audit parse;
- we used `report` to get Venmo reports;
- payment link: https://localhost:9001/index.php?title=Special:BraintreeGateway&appeal=JimmyQuote&payment_method=paypal&recurring=0&uselang=en&language=en¤cy=USD&amount=10&country=US&debug=true
- admin console:
Payment Methods
Since we want to have recurring and monthly convert, we choose the vault:
Vaulting a PayPal account will allow you to charge the account in the future without requiring your customer to be present during the transaction or re-authenticate with PayPal when they are present during the transaction.

For non-us devs need to create a sandbox venmo account to test, and all donation will have user-name as venmojoe, which production env will have real user name shown.
sandbox account do not detect refund more than remaining venmo donation balance, but production have this.
we use password instead of barcode, since it's easier to be used from desktop
since we enable recurring and MC, we have vault for venmo as we have for paypal
we first need to enable merchant account venmo to start working locally
Recurring Braintree donations are tokenized and are charged on our schedule by the SmashPig Civi extension's recurring payment charge job.
- we store the payment token for recurring donations:
- Then based on the token, make recurring donations:
IPN messages
Braintree generates json files from the search queries for PayPal, and Venmo potentially.
We generate the report with process-control yaml file, daily and the maintaince script is SearchYesterdayTransactions
could generate report manually by inside the civi box, then run `php ./vendor/wikimedia/smash-pig/PaymentProviders/Braintree/Maintenance/SearchTransactions.php --r=90 --t=refund` (it will get the refund report from 90 hrs till now) types are (report, refund, chargeback) and the report will be stored under 'drupal/sites/default/files/wmf_audit/braintree/incoming' folder.
We process them with the wmf_audits drupal module that calls functions from SmashPig to parse the Json reports as run `drush parse-audit braintree` from /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal.
Pending Table
Jobs Queue
For overall payment queue can go to server, then run `drush --user=1 -v -r /srv/civi-sites/wmff/drupal qc` to consume the queues