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Fundraising/techops/docs/fundraising access request

From Wikitech

Access Request

Before any access can be granted to Fundraising systems, three things need to be completed:

  • a phabricator task to track the request
  • c-level approval
  • an entry on the contact list

Phabricator task

An access request needs to be opened in phabricator with a fundraising-tech-ops tag on it. In the request you should list the following things:

  • User requiring access
  • Type of access required (ssh access, database access, civi access, superset access)
  • Any specific hosts that access will be needed to

Here is a template to create an access request.

Access request template
Title Fundraising access request for PERSON
Tags fundraising-tech-ops
This is a new access request for PERSON. They require the following access: (mark each box with an x)

[ ] civicrm web access
    [ ] standard access
    [ ] donor services access
[ ] ssh access - if specific hosts: `list here`
[ ] mysql - if specific hosts or databases: `list here`
[ ] superset
[ ] other: `please explain`

C-Level approval

Additionally, approval will need to be granted from the C-level exec. This request can be made by the manager of the user or fr-tech-ops can make the request. This request should include the services and accounts the request is for. Example:

To: CLevel Person (cperson@wikimedia.org)
CC: ${requesting_manager}

Hello CLevel,

${new_user} is a new fundraising analyst reporting to ${requesting_manager}. Can you provide authorization for ${new_user} to access ${services}?


Contact List Entry

Finally, the user will need to have an entry on the Fundraising Contact list. This entry will need a valid phone number that can receive SMS messages. Additionally, we will need a rough geographical location for the user so we can populate a client ssl certificate properly.