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From Wikitech

Fundraising cluster access, for CiviCRM and other services, generally follows the same best practices as production shell access, including requirements of C-Level approval and a 3 business day waiting period to both allow SRE to schedule the work and to ensure there is sufficient time for any concerns to be raised. This access is highly sensitive and the SRE team is diligent about maintaining security. Accounts inactive for 90 days will be disabled per PCI requirements.

How to request access

  • create a Phabricator account if you do not already have one
  • create a task with a description of the access you need and a short explanation why, and tag it with 'fundraising-tech-ops'
  • obtain C-Level approval and provide proof of it in the task

After 3 business days you will be contacted by a member of the fundraising SRE team.