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Fundraising/Team processes/Campaign Readiness Checklist

From Wikitech

Scenario 1: New market or new payment option in a market

Adopting an entirely new market with new payment methods and no official prior campaign.

Internal test

  • Smoke test locally / sandbox
  • Transaction should get to local test Civi
  • Should be visible in processor sandbox
    • Test cards
    • UI review with fr-online
  • Deploy so that we can make a payment vs live processor (the internal test)
    • For this deploy, ensure that generic links don’t direct to the experimental processor
  • Contact local donor to test on production, ensure that test payment gets to live Civi and live processor
    • UI/UX feedback. Did they get TY email?

Prep for 1 hour technical functionality test

  • Resolve any blocking bugs from local donors/payments, DR or fr-online

Prep for Campaign ready

  • Resolve any blocking bugs from 1 hour test
  • If recurring, the transactions look correct in PSP console and/or Civi
  • Audits are showing donations from 1 hour test
  • DR is happy with tools and reporting
  • All payments form settings are set to use this processor/payment option as default

Scenario 2: Switch of PSP

From time to time we may move volume between providers for various  reasons.  In this scenario we have to ensure all banners and emails are pointed to the appropriate place.

Prep for 1 hour technical functionality test

  • Check for and resolve any known bugs
  • Ask for confidence check from local donor  (internal re-test)
  • Resolve blocking bugs

Prep for campaign ready

  • Resolve any blocking bugs from 1 hour test
  • If recurring, the transactions look correct in PSP console and/or civi
  • Audits are showing donations from 1 hour test
  • DS is happy with tools and reporting
  • All payments form settings are set to use this processor/payment option as default

Scenario 3:  Repeat Campaign

We’ve run a campaign in this market previously, we are using the same provider  and we are using the same payment types.  Nothing new has been added.

Prep for 1 hour technical functionality test

  • Check for and resolve any known bugs

Prep for campaign ready

  • Resolve any blocking bugs from 1 hour test

Yearly Major Campaigns and Code Restrictions

Example timeline