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Fundraising/Team processes/Sprint Retro

From Wikitech

Sprint Retro

We like to keep our retros fresh and have cycled through a set of different styles. We track all of our retros in a google doc Fundraising Sprint retro notes which resides in the 'FR-tech things' google drive folder. The quickest way is to copy a previous entry and clear out the bullet points that were used. This keeps the formating with minimal effort. When using a Miro board, make sure to include te share link in the retro entry.

Additionally, it is good to keep notes of what we wish to carry on or improve for the next or upcoming sprints. They should be kept with each individual sprint and reviewed every few months for discussion.

Sprint Retro Prompts


  • What went well?
  • What didn’t go as well as we would have liked?
  • What did we learn?
  • What could we do better next sprint?

Liked/Lacked/Longed for/Learned

  • What did you like about this sprint?
  • Was anything lacking this sprint?
  • What are you longing for in the coming sprints?
  • Did you learn something this sprint?


  • Wind: What helped us move forward?
  • Anchor: What slowed us down? What held us back?
  • Sun: What made us feel good?
  • Reef: Any known future risks ahead? Tech Debt created?
  • Template: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOc1FDiE=/
    • Duplicate and rename to 'Sprint Retro YYYY-MM-DD - sprint_stub_name'.
    • Add to the 'FR-Tech Retros' project.
    • Create a 'share' link that allows anyone with the link to be an editor.
    • Add the link to the retro google doc.


  • Keep – Something the team is doing well and whose value you recognize.
  • Less – Something already being done, but you would rather do less.
  • More – Something already being done which believe will bring more value if done even more.
  • Add – A new idea or something you have seen working before that you would like to bring to the table.

Engine and Parachute

  • Engine: What has been pushing us forward? Making us move faster?
  • Parachute: What has been slowing us down?
  • Template: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO2ZYskU=/
    • Duplicate and rename to 'Sprint Retro YYYY-MM-DD - sprint_stub_name'.
    • Add to the 'FR-Tech Retros' project.
    • Create a 'share' link that allows anyone with the link to be an editor.
    • Add the link to the retro google doc.


  • What were you happy about this sprint?
  • Are there some things that made you sad this sprint?
  • Are you confused about something the team is doing?

One Word Retro

  • Make a quick round where each team member would state in one word how they had experienced the sprint.
  • Then use Root Cause Analysis (ie the 5 whys) to drill in for solidity.