Documentation of backend components and admin procedures for Toolforge. See Help:Toolforge for user facing documentation about actually using Toolforge to run your bots and webservices.
Admin permissions
Performing admin procedures requires having admin permissions on Toolforge. There is not a single "admin" flag, but a set of interrelated permissions you can be granted. These are described in detail in the page Toolforge roots and Toolforge admins.
Tools should be able to survive the failure of any one virt* node. Some items may need manual failover
The front web proxy is now a stateless web service.
There are two tools-proxy-N
VMs in the tools
project, which previously ran Dynamicproxy and nowadays just proxy everything to the K8s HAProxies.
The only meaningful thing that currently happens on them is the toolviews counting based on the access logs. Otherwise we could remove those nodes and just point to HAProxy.
In case one VM is not working correctly, we can failover from one VM to the other, which can be done by manually reassigning the floating IP in Horizon or from the OpenStack CLI.
Static webserver
This is a stateless simple nginx http server. Simply switch the floating IP from tools-static-10 to tools-static-11 (or vice versa) to switch over. Recovery is also equally trivial - just bring the machine back up and make sure puppet is ok.
Checker service
This is the service that Icinga hits to check status of several services. It's totally stateless.
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Toolschecker
Redis uses Sentinel to automatically fail over in case of a node failure.
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Prometheus#Failover.
Service nodes run the Toolforge internal aptly service, to serve .deb packages as a repository for all the other nodes.
Command orchestration
Toolforge and Toolsbeta both have a local cumin server.
Administrative tasks
Logging in as root
For normal login root access see Toolforge roots and Toolforge admins.
In case the normal login does not work for example due to an LDAP failure, administrators can also directly log in as root. To prepare for that occasion, generate a separate key with ssh-keygen
, add an entry to the passwords::root::extra_keys
hash in Horizon's 'Project Puppet' section with your shell username as key and your public key as value and wait a Puppet cycle to have your key added to the root
accounts. Add to your ~/.ssh/config
# Use different identity for Tools root. Match host *.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud user root IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your_secret_root_key
The code that reads passwords::root::extra_keys
is in labs/private:modules/passwords/manifests/init.pp.
Disabling all ssh logins except root
Useful for dealing with security critical situations. Just touch /etc/nologin
and PAM will prevent any and all non-root logins.
Complaints of bastion being slow
Users are increasingly noticing slowness on tools-login due to either CPU or IOPS exhaustion caused by people running processes there instead of on Kubernetes. Here are some tips for finding the processes in need of killing:
- Look for IOPS hogs
$ iotop
- Look for abnormal processes:
$ ps axo user:32,pid,cmd | grep -Ev "^($USER|root|daemon|_lldpd|messagebus|nagios|nslcd|ntp|prometheus|statd|syslog|Debian-exim|www-data)" | grep -ivE 'screen|tmux|-bash|mosh-server|sshd:|/bin/bash|/bin/zsh'
- If you see
kill with extreme prejudice.
- If the rogue job is running as a tool,
something like:!log tools.$TOOL Killed $PROC process running on tools-bastion-NN. See https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Jobs_framework for instructions on running jobs on Kubernetes.
Local package management
Local packages are provided by an aptly
repository on tools-services-05
On tools-services-05
, you can manipulate the package database by various commands; cf. aptly(1)
. Afterwards, you need to publish the database to the file Packages
by (for the trusty-tools
repository) aptly publish --skip-signing update trusty-tools
. To use the packages on the clients you need to wait 30 minutes again or run apt-get update
. In general, you should never just delete packages, but move them to ~tools.admin/archived-packages
You can always see where a package is (would be) coming from with apt-cache showpkg $package
Local package policy
Package repositories
- We only install packages from trustworthy repositories.
- OK are
- The official Debian and Ubuntu repositories, and
- Self-built packages (apt.wikimedia.org and aptly)
- Not OK are:
- PPAs
- other 3rd party repositories
- OK are
Packagers effectively get root on our systems, as they could add a rootkit to the package, or upload an unsafe sshd version, and apt-get will happily install it
Hardness clause: in extraordinary cases, and for 'grandfathered in' packages, we can deviate from this policy, as long as security and maintainability are kept in mind.
We assume that whatever is good for production is also OK for Toolforge.
We manage the aptly repository ourselves.
- Packages in aptly need to be built by Toolforge admins
- we cannot import .deb files from untrusted 3rd party sources
- Package source files need to come from a trusted source
- a source file from a trusted source (i.e. backports), or
- we build the debian source files ourselves
- we cannot build .dcs files from untrusted 3rd party sources
- Packages need to be easy to update and build
- cowbuilder/pdebuild OK
- fpm is OK
- See Deploy new jobutils package for an example walk through of building and adding packages to aptly.
- We only package if strictly necessary
- infrastructure packages
- packages that should be available for effective development (e.g. composer or sbt)
- not: python-*, lib*-perl, ..., which should just be installed with the available platform-specific package managers
- For each package, it should be clear who is responsible for keeping it up to date
- for infrastructure packages, this should be one of the paid staffers
A list of locally maintained packages can be found under /local packages.
Building packages
Deploy new misctools package
Testing/QA for a new tools-webservice package
See also tools-webservice source tree README.
There is a simple flask app in toolsbeta using the tool test
that is set up to be deployed via webservice on Kubernetes.
After running become test
, you can go to the qa/tools-webservice
directory. This is checked out via anonymous https, and is suitable for checking out a patch you are reviewing. There is an untracked file in there that is useful here, usually. The webservicefile at the route is just a copy of the one in the scripts
folder in the repo. The only difference is:
< sys.path.insert(0, '')
That exchanges the distribution installed package in the python path for the local directory, so if you run ./webservice $somecommand
it will run what is in your local folder rather than what is in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/
. If you are testing changes made directly to scripts/webservice
in the repo, you will likely need to copy that over the file and add sys.path.insert(0, "")
after the import sys line.
If there is no import sys
line in this version of the code, add one! This should let you bang on your new version without having to mess with packaging, yet.
Deploy new tools-webservice package
Webserver statistics
To get a look at webserver statistics, goaccess is installed on the webproxies. Usage:
goaccess --date-format="%d/%b/%Y" --log-format='%h - - [%d:%t %^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u"' -q -f/var/log/nginx/access.log
Interactive key bindings are documented on the man page. HTML output is supported by piping to a file. Note that nginx logs are rotated (twice?) daily, so there is only very recent data available.
Banning an IP from tool labs
On Hiera:Tools, add the IP to the list of dynamicproxy::banned_ips, then force a puppet run on the webproxies. Add a note to Help:Toolforge/Banned explaining why. The user will get a message like [1].
Deploying the main web page
This website (plus the 403/500/503 error pages) are hosted under tools.admin
. To deploy,
$ become admin
$ cd tool-admin-web
$ git pull
Regenerate replica.my.cnf
This requires access to the cloudcontrol host which is running maintain-dbusers, and can be done as follows:
$ ssh cloudcontrolXXXX.eqiad.wmnet
$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/maintain-dbusers delete tools.${NAME} --account-type=tool
:# or
$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/maintain-dbusers delete ${USERNAME} --account-type=user
Once the account has been deleted, the maintain-dbusers service will automatically recreate the user account.
Debugging bad MariaDB credentials
Sometimes things go wrong and a user's replica.my.cnf
credentials don't propigate everywhere. You can check the status on various servers to try and narrow down what went wrong.
The database credentials needed are in /etc/dbusers.yaml
on the cloudcontrol host running maintain-dbusers.
$ ssh cloudcontrolXXXX.eqiad.wmnet
$ sudo cat /etc/dbusers.yaml
:# look for the accounts-backend['password'] for the m5-master connections (user: labsdbaccounts)
:# look for the labsdbs['password'] for the other connections (user: labsdbadmin)
$ CHECK_UID=u12345 # User id to check for
:# Check if the user is in our meta datastore
$ mariadb -h m5-master.eqiad.wmnet -u labsdbaccounts -p -e "USE labsdbaccounts; SELECT * FROM account WHERE mysql_username='${CHECK_UID}'\G"
:# Check if all the accounts are created in the labsdb boxes from meta datastore.
$ ACCT_ID=.... # Account_id is foreign key (id from account table)
$ mariadb -h m5-master.eqiad.wmnet -u labsdbaccounts -p -e "USE labsdbaccounts; SELECT * FROM labsdbaccounts.account_host WHERE account_id=${ACCT_ID}\G"
:# Check the actual labsdbs if needed
$ mariadb -h clouddbXXXX.eqiad.wmnet -u labsdbadmin -p -e 'SELECT User, Password from mysql.user where User like "${CHECK_UID}";'
:# Resynchronize account state on the replicas by finding missing GRANTS on each db server
$ sudo maintain-dbusers harvest-replicas
See phab:T183644 for an example of fixing automatic credential creation caused when a old LDAP user becomes a Toolforge member and has an untracked user account on toolsdb.
Regenerate kubernetes credentials for tools (.kube/config)
With admin credentials (root on a control plane node will do), run kubectl -n tool-<toolname> delete cm maintain-kubeusers-<toolname>
; it should get regenerated within minutes.
Adding K8S Components
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes#Building_new_nodes
Deleting a tool
For batch or CLI deletion of tools, use the 'mark_tool' command on a cloudcontrol node:

andrew@cloudcontrol1003:~$ sudo mark_tool
usage: mark_tool [-h] [--ldap-user LDAP_USER] [--ldap-password LDAP_PASSWORD]
[--ldap-base-dn LDAP_BASE_DN] [--project PROJECT] [--disable]
[--delete] [--enable]
mark_tool: error: the following arguments are required: tool
Maintainers can mark their tools for deletion using the "Disable tool" button on the tool's detail page on https://toolsadmin.wikimedia.org/. In either case, the immediate effect of disabling a tool is to stop any running jobs, prevent users from logging in as that tool, and schedule archiving and deletion for 40 days in the future.

Tool archives are stored on the tools NFS server, currently tools-nfs-2.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
root@labstore1004:/srv/disable-tool# ls -ltrah /srv/tools/archivedtools/
total 1.8G
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4.0K Jun 21 19:37 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 102K Jul 22 22:15 andrewtesttooltwo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 45 Oct 13 00:47 andrewtesttooltwo.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.3M Oct 13 03:20 mediaplaycounts.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8G Oct 13 04:01 projanalysis.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3M Oct 13 21:05 reportsbot.tgz
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Oct 13 21:10 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 719K Oct 13 21:10 wsm.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.8K Oct 13 21:20 andrewtesttoolfour.tgz
The actual deletion process is shockingly complicated. A tool will only be archived and deleted if all of the prior steps succeed, but disabling of a tool should be a sure thing.
SSL certificates
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/SSL_certificates.
Granting a tool write access to Elasticsearch
- Generate a random password and the mkpassword crypt entry for it using the script new-es-password.sh. (Must be run a host with the `mkpasswd` command installed. (The mkpasswd is part of the whois Debian package.)
$ ./new-es-password.sh tools.example
tools.example elasticsearch.ini
tools.example puppet master private (hieradata/labs/tools/common.yaml)
- name: 'tools.example'
password: '$6$FYwP3wxT4K7O9EE$OA3P5972NWJVG/WUnD240sal34/dsNabbcawItevMYO9uoR.fJBrjSABex0EDW0wlkWHID1Tf4oJoiNvYFGmy/'
- Add the private SHA512 hash to the tools puppetmaster:
$ ssh tools-puppetserver-01.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
$ cd /srv/git/labs/private
$ sudo -i vim /var/lib/git/labs/private/hieradata/labs/tools/common.yaml
... merge the hiera data with the existing key...
$ sudo git add hieradata/labs/tools/common.yaml
$ sudo git commit -m "[local] Elasticsearch credentials for $TOOL"
- Force a puppet run on tools-elastic nodes using Cumin
cloudcumin1001.eqiad.wmnet:~$ sudo cumin "O{project:tools name:.*elastic.*}" "run-puppet-agent"
- Make the credentials available to the tool as envvars:
$ ssh dev.toolforge.org
$ sudo -i become example-tool
$ toolforge envvars create TOOL_ELASTICSEARCH_USER
Enter the value of your envvar (prompt is hidden, hit Ctrl+C to abort): <insert user>
$ toolforge envvars create TOOL_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD
Enter the value of your envvar (prompt is hidden, hit Ctrl+C to abort): <insert password>
Note: An older procedure placed the credentials in /data/project/$TOOL/.elasticsearch.ini
- Resolve the ticket!
Package upgrades
See Managing package upgrades.
Creating a new Docker image (e.g. for new versions of Node.js)
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes#Docker_Images
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes
Build service
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Build_Service
Tools-mail / Exim
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Exim and Portal:Cloud_VPS/Admin/Email#Operations
Users and community
Some information about how to manage users and general community and their relationship with Toolforge.
Project membership request approval
User access requests show up in https://toolsadmin.wikimedia.org/tools/membership/
Some guidelines for account approvals, based on advice from scfc:
- If the request contains any defamatory or abusive information as part of the username(s), reason, or comments → mark as Declined and check the "Suppress this request (hide from non-admin users)" checkbox.
- You should also block the user on Wikitech and consider contacting a Steward for wider review of the SUL account.
- If the user name "looks" like a bot or someone else who could not consent to the Terms of use and Rules → mark as Declined.
- Check the status of the associated SUL account. If the user is banned on one or more wikis → mark as Declined.
- If the stated purpose is "tangible" ("I want to move my bot x to Labs", "I want to build a web app that does y", etc.) → mark as Approved.
- If you know that someone else has been working on the same problem, add a message explaining who the user should contact or where they might find more information.
- If the stated purpose is "abstract" ("research", "experimentation", etc.) and there is a hackathon ongoing or planned, the user has a non-throw-away mail address, the user has created a user page with coherent information about theirself or linked a SUL account of good standing, etc. → mark as Approved.
- Otherwise add a comment asking for clarification of their reason for use and mark as Feedback needed. The request is not really "denied", but more (indefinitely) "delayed".
Requests left in Feedback needed for more information for more than 30 days should usually be declined with a message like "Feel free to apply again later with more complete information."
Quota management
Toolforge quotas are managed via maintain-kubeusers.
- Have the user open a phabricator ticket, for the papertrail. See also Help:Toolforge/Kubernetes#Quotas_and_Resources
- Send a patch for maintain-kubeusers, have it reviewed and merged:
- Deploy in the cluster, using the deploy Portal:Cloud_VPS/Admin/Cookbooks
How do Toolforge web services actually work?
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes#Ingress
What makes a root/Giving root access
See Toolforge roots and Toolforge admins
Servicegroup log
tools.admin runs /data/project/admin/bin/toolhistory
, which provides an hourly snapshot of ldaplist -l servicegroup
as git repository in /data/project/admin/var/lib/git/servicegroups
Useful administrative tools
These tools offer useful information about Toolforge itself:
- ToolsDB - Statistics about tables owned by tools
- k8s-stats - examine what our tools are doing
- OpenStack Browser - examine projects, instances, web proxies, and Puppet config
Sub pages
- APIs
- Apt repository
- Build Service
- Envvars Service
- Exim
- Harbor
- Harbor/maintain-harbor
- Infrastructure tools
- Jobs framework
- Kubernetes
- Kubernetes/2020 Kubernetes cluster rebuild plan notes
- Kubernetes/Certificates
- Kubernetes/Docker-registry
- Kubernetes/Etcd (deprecated)
- Kubernetes/Labels
- Kubernetes/Networking and ingress
- Kubernetes/New cluster
- Kubernetes/Pod tracing
- Kubernetes/RBAC and Pod security
- Kubernetes/RBAC and Pod security/PSP migration
- Kubernetes/Upgrading Kubernetes
- Kubernetes/Upgrading Kubernetes/1.21 to 1.22 notes
- Kubernetes/Upgrading Kubernetes/1.22 to 1.23 notes
- Kubernetes/Upgrading Kubernetes/1.24 to 1.25 notes
- Kubernetes/Upgrading Kubernetes/1.25 to 1.26 notes
- Kubernetes/Upgrading Kubernetes/1.26 to 1.27 notes
- Kubernetes/Upgrading Kubernetes/1.27 to 1.28 notes
- Kubernetes/foxtrot-ldap
- Kubernetes/lima-kilo
- Legacy redirector for webservices
- Maintenance
- Monthly meeting
- Monthly meeting/2022-11-15
- Monthly meeting/2022-12-13
- Monthly meeting/2023-01-31
- Monthly meeting/2023-02-21
- Monthly meeting/2023-04-04
- Monthly meeting/2023-05-02
- Monthly meeting/2023-06-06
- Monthly meeting/2023-07-11
- Monthly meeting/2023-09-05
- Monthly meeting/2023-10-03
- Monthly meeting/2023-11-07
- Monthly meeting/2023-12-19
- Monthly meeting/2024-01-16
- Monthly meeting/2024-02-13
- Monthly meeting/2024-03-12
- Monthly meeting/2024-04-09
- Monthly meeting/2024-05-14
- Monthly meeting/2024-06-25
- Monthly meeting/2024-07-09
- Monthly meeting/2024-09-03
- Monthly meeting/2024-10-01
- Monthly meeting/2024-11-05
- Monthly meeting/2025-01-14
- Packaging
- Prometheus
- Pywikibot image
- Redis
- Runbooks
- Runbooks/BuildsApiDown
- Runbooks/BuildsApiUpMetricUnknown
- Runbooks/EnvvarsAdmissionDown
- Runbooks/EnvvarsApiDown
- Runbooks/EnvvarsApiUpMetricUnknown
- Runbooks/HarborComponentDown
- Runbooks/HarborDown
- Runbooks/HarborProbeUnknown
- Runbooks/JobsApiDown
- Runbooks/JobsApiUpMetricUnknown
- Runbooks/Kyverno
- Runbooks/MaintainKubeusersDown
- Runbooks/PrometheusK8sCertExpirySoon
- Runbooks/Redis
- Runbooks/TektonDown
- Runbooks/TektonUpMetricUnknown
- Runbooks/ToolforgeKubernetesCapacity
- Runbooks/ToolforgeKubernetesHAproxyServerDown
- Runbooks/ToolforgeKubernetesHAproxyUnknown
- Runbooks/ToolforgeKubernetesNodeNotReady
- Runbooks/ToolforgeKubernetesWorkerDiskFull
- Runbooks/ToolforgeKubernetesWorkerTooManyDProcesses
- Runbooks/Toolforge Kyverno low policy resources
- Runbooks/Toolforge Kyverno no policy resources
- Runbooks/Toolforge Kyverno unknown state
- Runbooks/ToolsDBReplication
- Runbooks/ToolsNFSDown
- Runbooks/ToolsNfsAlmostFull
- Runbooks/ToolsToolsDBWritableState
- Runbooks/k8s-haproxy
- SSL certificates
- Striker
- Striker/Build
- Striker/Deployments
- Striker/FAQ
- System Overview
- Toolforge-sync-meeting
- Toolforge roots and Toolforge admins
- ToolsDB
- Toolsbeta
- Toolschecker
- emergency guides
- emergency guides/irc bot deployment
- emergency guides/single tool webservice
- emergency guides/toolforge down notification
- local packages
- puppet refactor
- replagstats
- toolhistory