This page is currently a draft.
More information and discussion about changes to this draft on the talk page.
More information and discussion about changes to this draft on the talk page.
This page contains a list of known labels used in the Toolforge Kubernetes cluster.
There is an upstream guide on how to use labels: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/common-labels/
Object | Label | Values | Set by | Read by | Comments |
Pod | toolforge | "tool" | webservice & toolforge-jobs-api | volume-admission-controller, envvars-admission-controller | Used by the volume admission controller to mount the tool home in the pod (unless disabled via toolforge.org/mount-storage). Used by the envvars admission controller to inject the envvars into the pod. |
toolforge.org/mount-storage | "all" (default), "none" | webservice & toolforge-jobs-api | volume-admission-controller | If the pod should have NFS volumes mounted or not | |
jobs.toolforge.org/filelog | "yes" | toolforge-jobs-api | toolforge-jobs-api | if a given job should create log files | |
jobs.toolforge.org/emails | "all", "onfinish", "onfailure" | toolforge-jobs-api | toolforge-jobs-api & toolforge-jobs-emailer | if a given job should produce emails | |
Node | kubernetes.wmcloud.org/nfs-mounted | "true" | puppet | kube-scheduler | if this node has access to NFS volumes |
kubernetes.io/role | "ingressgen2" | manually | kube-scheduler | if this node is dedicated for ingress-nginx usage |