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Source code

The source code for the maintain-kubeusers daemon itself is at:

The deployment of the code is done using toolforge-deploy, at:

The prometheus alerts are defined via Toolforge alerts repository:


This is how you can get the logs for maintain-kubeusers:

user@tools-k8s-control-7:~$ sudo -i kubectl -n maintain-kubeusers logs deploy/maintain-kubeusers --timestamps=true

In case you want to check the logs for a previous container restart:

user@tools-k8s-control-7:~$ sudo -i kubectl -n maintain-kubeusers logs deploy/maintain-kubeusers --timestamps=true --previous

Get a shell inside the pod

This is how you can get a shell inside the maintain-kubeusers pod:

user@tools-k8s-control-7:~$ sudo -i kubectl -n maintain-kubeusers exec -it deploy/maintain-kubeusers exec -- bash

See prometheus metrics inside the container

This is often useful to verify what is being scraped by prometheus:

user@tools-k8s-control-7:~$ sudo -i kubectl -n maintain-kubeusers exec -it deploy/maintain-kubeusers exec -- apt-get update
user@tools-k8s-control-7:~$ sudo -i kubectl -n maintain-kubeusers exec -it deploy/maintain-kubeusers exec -- apt-get install curl -y
user@tools-k8s-control-7:~$ sudo -i kubectl -n maintain-kubeusers exec -it deploy/maintain-kubeusers exec -- curl localhost:9000/metrics
maintain_kubeusers_run_seconds_count 32.0
maintain_kubeusers_run_seconds_sum 4373.660967367701
maintain_kubeusers_run_finished 1.7175907241729112e+09


See grafana dashboard: