Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Infrastructure tools
< Portal:Toolforge | Admin
A number of tools should be considered infrastructure for Toolforge and Cloud VPS. These tools are open to participation by technical volunteers, but ultimately the Toolforge admin team and the Foundation staff on that team are responsible for making sure that they work (or are properly removed from use).
Why do we do this?
One of the design features for Cloud Services since at least 2017 has been to use Cloud VPS and Toolforge to host as much of our infrastructure as is reasonably possible. This has been done to further a few core values:
- Make sharing power with technical volunteers as easy as possible. Getting a root shell on a production Wikimedia Foundation host is hard; getting membership in a Cloud VPS project or co-maintainership of a Tool is easy by comparison.
- Make data and APIs available for experimentation. If someone has an idea that they think will make a better user experience for doing something we have built as a tool they should have a chance to experiment with that idea.
- Drink our own champagne. Building new things on top of our managed platforms helps us have empathy with our larger technical community. It also helps us find rough spots in the workflows which we can address to help make things more manageable for everyone.
This list has been moved to toolhub, you will find the latest updates there.
- url
- toolforge:admin
- purpose
- Formerly the landing page for tools.wmflabs.org. Maintainers have elevated rights in Toolforge (sudo as root; access to Kubernetes privileged accounts; elevated rights in Striker). Hosts links to other infrastructure tools as well as the canonical directory of all Toolforge tools.
- url
- toolforge:admin-beta
- purpose
- Testing deployment of #admin tool.
- url
- none
- purpose
- running some automated tests to verify Toolforge health, status and functionality.
- url
- toolforge:cloudvps
- purpose
- name squatting
- url
- toolforge:csp-report
- purpose
- Search Content-Security-Policy violations reported by Tools. Related to phab:T130748.
- url
- toolforge:docker-registry
- purpose
- GUI to browse docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org
- url
- toolforge:fourohfour
- purpose
- Provide informative responses to HTTP requests for which no active backend webservice can be found.
- Setup as the fallback handler/default vhost for the Toolforge and toolsbeta Kubernetes clusters.
- url
- toolforge:help
- purpose
- name squatting. Currently redirects to Portal:Toolforge.
- url
- toolforge:iw
- purpose
- Helper for handling interwiki links to Toolforge tools. Redirects https://iw.toolforge.org/{tool}/{path} URLs to https://{tool}.toolforge.org/{path}
- url
- toolforge:jobs
- purpose
- To reserve the name, related to Wikimedia_Cloud_Services_team/EnhancementProposals/Toolforge_jobs.
- url
- toolforge:k8s-status
- purpose
- Browse Toolforge Kubernetes cluster nodes and workloads.
- url
- toolforge:keystone-browser
- purpose
- Replaced by toolforge:openstack-browser
- url
- toolforge:openstack-browser
- purpose
- Browse information about projects and instances running in the Cloud VPS OpenStack cluster. This was built to replace our former use of mw:Extension:OpenStackBrowser and Semantic MediaWiki to document the Cloud VPS projects.
- url
- toolforge:openstack-browser-dev
- purpose
- Testing deployment of #openstack-browser
- url
- toolforge:os-deprecation
- purpose
- A tool to create reports related to operating system deprecation activities in Cloud VPS
- url
- toolforge:replag
- purpose
- Report on replication lag times between prod wikis and the Wiki replicas.
- Historically this has been run by BryanDavis as a volunteer project.
- url
- toolforge:sal
- purpose
- Search Server Admin Log content
- Historically this has been run by BryanDavis as a volunteer project.
- url
- toolforge:static
- purpose
- Historical tool acting as a CDN for various files.
- url
- toolforge:tool-db-usage
- purpose
- Display ToolsDB databases and their sizes
- purpose
- name squatting
- purpose
- See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Toolschecker
- url
- toolforge:toolviews
- purpose
- View analytic data about usage of Toolforge tools.
- url
- toolforge:www
- purpose
- Currently an ingress only redirector to Portal:Toolforge. Ideally the new home for a landing page like #admin's landing page.
- url
- toolforge:xn--dk8hv9g
- https://🦄🎉.toolforge.org
- purpose
- Fun! Redirects to mw:Wikimedia Cloud Services team