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Wikimedia Cloud Services team/EnhancementProposals/Toolforge jobs

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This enhancement proposal was eventually accepted. The content of this page was relocated to Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes/Jobs framework

This page contains information on a potential design to support grid-like jobs on Toolforge kubernetes, the end goal being to help in GridEngine deprecation.


This proposal consist on introducing a framework called Toolforge Jobs Framework (or TJF). It is basically a new API to ease end user interaction with Toolforge jobs in the kubernetes cluster. The new API should abstract away most of the k8s gory details for configuring, removing, managing and reading status on jobs. The abstraction approach is similar to what is being done with Toolforge webservices (we have the webservice command there), but with a new approach that consist on decoupling the software into 2 components: an API service and a command line interface.

The framework consists precisely in these two components.

The API is freely usable within Toolforge, both bastion servers and kubernetes pods. This means that a running job can interact with the Toolforge jobs API and CRUD other jobs.

There are no plans to introduce backwards support for GridEngine in TJF, given the ultimate goal is to deprecate the old grid.

The two components approach

The TJF is composed of 2 components:

  • toolforge-jobs-api --- runs inside the k8s cluster as a webservice. Offers the REST API that in turn interacts with the k8s API native objects: CronJob, Job and ReplicationController.
  • toolforge-jobs-cli --- command line interface to interact with the toolforge-job-api service. Typically used by end users in Toolforge bastions.

By splitting the software into two components, and introducing an stable API, we aim to reduce maintenance burden by not needing to rebuild all Toolforge docker containers every time we change some internal mechanism (which is the case of the tools-webservice package).

Also, the new REST API can be used by any user inside Toolforge. We open the door to enable a simplified programmatic usage of this new kubernetes jobs feature, which can be a nice incentive for users to migrate away from the grid.

k8s abstraction that matches GridEngine experience

We would like to support a similar experience to what users are used to in GridEngine. Given the feature mapping table below, it should be possible in Kubernetes by using the following mechanisms:

  • Job. This object is the basic definition of a workload in the k8s cluster that makes it run a given task and ensure it finished as expected.
  • CronJob. This object support cron-like scheduling of child Jobs objects.
  • ReplicationController. This object is used to ensure a given Job is present. Used to control execution of continuous tasks, a feature not supported natively in the Job object.


To ensure that Toolforge users only manage their own jobs, TJF will use kubernetes certificates for client authentication. These x509 certificates are automatically managed by maintain-kubeusers, and live in each user home directory:

toolsbeta.test@toolsbeta-sgebastion-04:~$ egrep client-certificate\|client-key .kube/config
    client-certificate: /data/project/test/.toolskube/client.crt
    client-key: /data/project/test/.toolskube/client.key
toolsbeta.test@toolsbeta-sgebastion-04:~$ head -1 /data/project/test/.toolskube/client.crt
toolsbeta.test@toolsbeta-sgebastion-04:~$ head -1 /data/project/test/.toolskube/client.key

In the current Toolforge webservice setup, TLS termination is done at the nginx front proxy. The front proxy talks to the backends using plain HTTP, with no simple options for relaying or forwarding the original client TLS certs. We would need to introduce modifications to the front proxy to accept client TLS certificates, so instead we decided to run a parallel ingress.

The toolforge-jobs-api component needs to know the client certificate CommonName. With this information, toolforge-jobs-api will be able to supplant the user by reading again the x509 certificates from the user home, and use them to interact with the kubernetes API. This is effectively a TLS proxy that reuses the original certificate.

This results in two types of connections, as shown in the diagram above:

  • connection type 1: an user contacts toolforge-jobs-api using k8s client TLS certs from its home directory. The TLS connection is established to the ingress-ngnx-jobs, which has the client-side TLS termination. This can happen from a Toolforge bastion, or from a Job already running inside kubernetes. The connection can be made either using toolforge-jobs-cli or directly contacting toolforge-jobs-api programmatically by other methods.
  • connection type 2: once the CommonName of the original request certificate is validated, toolforge-jobs-api can load the same k8s client TLS certificate from the user home, and supplant the user to contact the k8s API. For this to be possible, the toolforge-jobs-api component needs permissions for every user home directory, pretty much like maintain-kubeusers has.

This setup is possible because the x509 certificates are maintained by the maintain-kubeusers component, and because toolforge-jobs-api runs inside the kubernetes cluster itself and therefore can be configured with enough permissions to read each users home.

More or other authentication mechanisms can be introduced in the future as we detect new use cases.

The Toolforge front proxy exists today basically for webservices running in the grid. Once the grid is fully deprecated and we no longer need the front proxy, we could re-evaluate this whole situation and simplify it.

Not using the framework

Advanced Toolforge users that know how to interact with a Kubernetes API can still use it directly (like for webservices). Using the new TJF is optional and is provided just as a convenient facility for Toolforge users.

The containers problem

We have custom-built containers for Toolforge webservices. Containers for the most common web development frameworks and language runtimes. Each container don't include every and each language and framework in the universe for practical reasons.

However, users can currently schedule jobs in GridEngine using any language, library or framework installed in our Debian bastions. They can write a script that combines calls to Python, PHP and Perl. We would need to think and develop a container solution that enables job users with the appropriate runtimes.

For the few first iterations of this project it can suffice to make pywikibot available. We can work later on to discover more useful runtimes.

Implementation details

TODO: Arturo would like to use Python3 to build TJF, using flask-restful https://flask-restful.readthedocs.io

Checking client TLS certs: https://www.ajg.id.au/2018/01/01/mutual-tls-with-python-flask-and-werkzeug/

dcaro: Might be interesting to use https://pypi.org/project/flask-swagger/ also (specially if the api is open)

hieu: check https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/


Proposed timeline for implementation, development and feature rollout.

  • FY20/21 Q3: Design & proposal. Basic TJF source code bootstrap.
  • FY20/21 Q4: A minimal TJF is developed. Select a few beta testers and early adopters.
  • FY21/22 Q1: Announce to the community new framework availability, work with users to migrate to it.
  • FY21/22 Q2: Closer to grid deprecation? <3

about logs

If left unattended, logs produced by jobs can easily hammer and bring down our etcd clusters We should come with a solution to strictly restrict logging, and redirect them to each user NFS home directory.

Some potential ideas on how to do that at kubernetes level: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/logging/

To be clear, this means that logs produced by jobs should not be made available using kubectl logs because that means the stderr/stdout of the pod is being RW in the etcd cluster.


Relevant URLs in the Toolforge project:

Relevant URLs in the Toolsbeta project:

  • TBD

Feature mapping

Each currently supported use case in the grid should have an equivalent feature in kubernetes. The table below should help map each one.

Additionally, the table shows how each feature would map to the TJF.

Toolforge jobs feature mapping table
Feature GridEngine Kubernetes toolforge-jobs-cli toolforge-jobs-api
simple one-off job launch jsub native Job API support toolforge-jobs run <cmd> --type <container> POST /api/v1/run/
get single job status qstat kubectl describe job toolforge-jobs show <id> GET /api/v1/show/{id}/
get all jobs status qstat kubectl + some scripting toolforge-jobs list GET /api/v1/list/
delete job jstop kubectl delete toolforge-jobs delete <id> DELETE /api/v1/delete/{id}/
delete all jobs some scripting kubectl delete toolforge-jobs flush DELETE /api/v1/flush/
scheduled jobs crontab + jsub native CronJob API support toolforge-jobs run <cmd> --type <container> --schedule <sched> POST /api/v1/run/
continuous job launch (bot, daemon) jstart native ReplicationController API support toolforge-jobs run <cmd> --type <container> --continuous POST /api/v1/run/
concurrency limits 16 running + 34 scheduled TBD. several potential mechanisms TBD TBD
get stderr / stdout of a job files in the NFS directory files in the NFS directory No initial support No initial API support
request additional mem jsub -mem TBD. we may not need this TBD TBD
sync run jsub -sync y TBD. no native support toolforge-jobs run <cmd> --type <container> --wait POST /api/v1/run/ + GET /api/v1/show/{id}/
making sure a job only runs once jsub -once native Job API support toolforge-jobs run <cmd> --type <container> POST /api/v1/run/
listing available containers No support / not required Similar to what we do on tools-webservices toolforge-jobs containers GET /api/v1/containers/

API docs

This section contains concrete details for the API that TJF introduces.

POST /api/v1/run/

Creates a new job in the kubernetes cluster.

GET /api/v1/show/{name}/

Shows information about a job in the kubernetes cluster.

DELETE /api/v1/delete/{name}

Delete a job in the kubernetes cluster.

GET /api/v1/list/

Shows information about all user jobs in the kubernetes cluster.

DELETE /api/v1/flush/

Delete all user jobs in the kubernetes cluster.

GET /api/v1/containers/

Shows information about all containers available for jobs in the kubernetes cluster.

Ingress & TLS

There are 2 nginx-ingress deployments in parallel in the k8s cluster:

  • the general one for all toolforge tools, in the ingress-nginx namespace, untouched by this project
  • the jobs-specific one, in the ingress-nginx-jobs namespace.

The jobs-specific one is able to read TLS client certificates and pass the ssl-client-subject-dn HTTP header to the pod running the toolforge-jobs-api webservice. With this information toolforge-jobs-api can load again the client cert when talking to the k8s API on behalf of the original user.

The way this whole ingress /TLS setup works is as follows:

  • To reach the ingress-nginx-jobs ingress, there is a FQDN jobs.svc.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud that points to the k8s haproxy VIP address.
  • The haproxy system listens on 30001/TCP for this jobs-specific ingress (and in 30000/TCP for the general one).
  • The haproxy daemon reaches k8s ingress nodes on 30001/TCP (the ingress-nginx-jobs-svc so traffic both internal and external to the cluster can reach the nginx proxy.
  • The ingress-nginx-jobs is configured to only load 1 Ingress object, which is the one defined for the toolforge-jobs-api.
  • The Ingress object instructs ingress-nginx-jobs to enable client TLS by using the annotation nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-client: on and nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-pass-certificate-to-upstream: "true".
  • Client TLS certs are verified against the kubernetes CA, which should be configured in the nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-secret: "default/ca-secret" annotation of the Ingress object.
  • Once the TLS certs are verified the proxy injects the HTTP header ssl-client-subject-dn to toolforge-jobs-api, which contains the CN= information of the original user.
  • With the ssl-client-subject-dn header, toolforge-jobs-api can load again the client certificate from the original user home on NFS and in turn contact the k8s API using them.

In order for the 2 nginx-ingress deployments on the cluster to ignore each other Ingress objects, we need a few additional bits.

in kubernetes 1.17

Per upstream docs we need to pay attention to the --ingress-class nginx command line flag.

  • the general ingress, using the default value (unset), which means it will process every ingress with the kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx" annotation or with no annotation at all.
  • the jobs ingress, using --ingress-class=jobs, which will handle every ingress with the kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "jobs" annotation (there should be just one).

in kubernetes 1.18

Per the release notes, the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation is deprecated, and the IngressClass resource should be used instead. The Ingress object should use the new ingressClassName field.


Some random stuff that Arturo has written here.

notes on k8s objects

development environment

The development environment is somewhat non trivial to set up. Given that TJF operates in a way similar to maintain-kubeusers, you will need a local kubernetes clusters (using minikube) to be able to emulate the Toolforge environment.

TODO: add more information here.

source code

Gerrit repositories:

See also

Internal documents:

Some upstream kubernetes documentation pointers:

Related components: