Portal:Cloud VPS/Admin
Cloud VPS is made of two customized OpenStack deployments: eqiad1 (production) and codfw1dev (testing). Both deployments are managed by the Cloud Services team together with other WMF staff members and with the help of external technical volunteers.
Most admin procedures are performed by Cloud roots and Cloud admins.
Useful links
- Cloud VPS Runbooks
- Who to ask
- Packaging software
- Aptly: A guide to setting up a local debian repo for installing your own .deb packages within a labs project
- Disabling an account
- Logout all users
- Suspending instances
- Using nova-manage (OpenStack cli tools)
- DNS with Designate + PDNS
- Testing deployment (Cloud VPS test environment, currently hosted in codfw)
- cloudweb1003: WMCS web UIs - Wikitech, Horizon, and Striker
All subpages
- Alerts
- Auth logging
- Backy2
- Bootstrap
- Ceph
- Cinder backups
- Cloudinfra
- Cloudlb
- Cookbooks
- DB
- DNS/Designate
- Deployment confidence checklist
- Deployments
- Devstack
- Devstack magnum
- Devstack magnum/PAWS dev devstack
- Devstack magnum/Stable wallaby
- Devstack magnum/Stable xena
- Galera
- Haproxy
- Hiera
- Horizon
- Host aggregates
- IPv6/initial deploy
- Infrastructure projects
- Instance backups
- Interest matrix
- Keepalived
- Local customization and hacks
- Magnum
- Maintenance
- Maintenance notification
- Monitoring
- Network
- Network/Tests
- Network and Policy
- Neutron LVS
- Nova-manage
- OpenTofu
- Openstack cli
- Openstack roles and policy
- Openstack source
- Openstack upgrade
- Procedures and operations
- Projects
- Projects/Potentially unmaintained
- Projects lifecycle
- Puppet testing
- RabbitMQ
- Resizing instances
- Runbooks
- Runbooks/CephClusterAllMonsDown
- Runbooks/CephClusterInError
- Runbooks/CephClusterInUnknown
- Runbooks/CephClusterInWarning
- Runbooks/CephSlowOps
- Runbooks/Check for snapshots leaked by cinder backup agent
- Runbooks/Check unit status of backup cinder volumes
- Runbooks/Check unit status of backup vms
- Runbooks/Check unit status of maintain dbusers
- Runbooks/Cloud VPS alert Puppet failure on
- Runbooks/DRBDConnectedAndUpToDate
- Runbooks/DRBDOnlyOnePrimary
- Runbooks/Designate record leaks
- Runbooks/GaleraClusterOutOfSync
- Runbooks/GaleraClusterSizeMismatch
- Runbooks/GaleraDown
- Runbooks/GaleraNoRecentWrites
- Runbooks/GaleraNodeOutOfSync
- Runbooks/GaleraNotEnabled
- Runbooks/LabstoreSlowGetent
- Runbooks/MetricsinfraAlertmanagerDown
- Runbooks/NodeDown
- Runbooks/NodeDownForLong
- Runbooks/NovaFullstackStaleStats
- Runbooks/NovafullstackSustainedFailures
- Runbooks/NovafullstackSustainedLeakedVMs
- Runbooks/OpenstackAPIResponse
- Runbooks/OpenstackAPIs
- Runbooks/PuppetCertificateAboutToExpire
- Runbooks/PuppetStaleCertificates
- Runbooks/RabbitmqNetworkPartition
- Runbooks/Refresh sssd caches
- Runbooks/Runbook template
- Runbooks/SystemdUnitDown
- Runbooks/SystemdUnitDownForLong
- Runbooks/TfInfraTestApplyFailed
- Runbooks/TfInfraTestDestroyFailed
- Runbooks/TooManyCloudcontrolsDown
- Runbooks/TooManyCloudgwsDown
- Runbooks/TooManyCloudnetsDown
- Runbooks/TooManyCloudvirtsDown
- SSL certificate
- Service accounts
- Skill matrix
- Sshd
- Testing deployment
- Troubleshooting
- Trove
- VM flavors
- VM images
- Virt capacity
- Web proxy
- notes/Magnum POC for release engineering
- notes/Meltdown Response
- notes/Monitoring
- notes/NAT loophole
- notes/NAT loophole/NFS
- notes/Neutron Migration
- notes/Neutron ideal model
- notes/Neutron ideal model/meeting-2018-11-29
- notes/Puppet Possibilities
- notes/Service predictions for cross realm situation
- notes/keystone