Obsolete:Labs Eqiad Migration/Progress
(Redirected from Labs Eqiad Migration/Progress)
![]() | This page reflects the state of Labs projects as of the migration to the Eqiad datacenter in early 2014. It remains here for historical/recordkeeping purposes but should not be updated and does not reflect the current status of any project. |
Finished migration
Projects that appear in this section will have their pmtpa instances deleted and their pmtpa shared storage wiped
- Doing... [stwalkerster|talk] 22:24, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
Done [stwalkerster|talk] 22:49, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
- Doing... [stwalkerster|talk] 22:24, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
- Akosiaristests
- Analytics
- DONE! Ottomata - 26 March 2014 (EDT)
- Bastion
- Contributors
- de-mothballed in response to https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63441 andrew (talk) 20:29, 2 April 2014 (UTC)
- Cvn
- Do not break, actively used by the Countervandalism Network. Needs careful migration. Krinkle (talk) 01:59, 17 March 2014 (UTC)
- Cvresearch
- Deployment-Prep
- Dwl
- Dumps
- I have stopped long-running process a while ago and the always-on ones are down due to some bug Hydriz had no time to work on, so I only need the data to be migrated (/home and /data, also /mnt/incrdumps on dumps-incr which I can't move elsewhere because everything is read-only and unfixable). In short, I'd do the migration myself but all that needs doing requires ops, hence please migrate and let me know if there's something I can do. --Nemo 09:31, 2 March 2014 (UTC)
- /home and /data/projects are now migrated -- all that's left is salvage from local instance storage.
- Editor-engagement
- Growth team will do mwui, pronunciationrecording, docs, annotator, toro, piramido
, and kubo. mattflaschen (talk) 18:19, 12 March 2014 (UTC)- kubo is no longer being used, and does not need to be migrated. mwui is already in eqiad. mattflaschen (talk) 05:59, 27 March 2014 (UTC)
Done mattflaschen (talk) 04:26, 28 March 2014 (UTC)
- Core features team uses ee-flow, ee-flow-extra, and ee-flow-small.
- Growth team will do mwui, pronunciationrecording, docs, annotator, toro, piramido
- Embed-sandbox
- done, but shared homedirs don't work because of lucid.
- Etherpad
- Fastcci, Migration completed! --dschwen (talk) 21:25, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
Bots(doing... petrb (talk) 14:49, 4 March 2014 (UTC))- Ganglia
- Gerrit
- Glam
Done --dan-nl (talk) 15:55, 19 March 2014 (UTC)
Huggle(done :o petrb (talk) 14:49, 4 March 2014 (UTC))- Icinga
- Integration
- Language
- Do not break, actively used by Continuous integration (Jenkins) + MLEB testing. Needs careful migration(s). KartikMistry (talk)
- Logstash
- Migrated to eqiad but would like the pmtpa instances to stay up until beta is finished moving to eqiad.
- Maps
- maps-wma1 migration/resetup is done. --dschwen (talk) 22:24, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
- maps-warper is all done now. Thanks! Chippy (talk) 17:20, 27 March 2014 (UTC)
- I am almost certain it's safe to delete all the tiles, varnish and ceph ones. map warper we are working on, per Chippy and wma. aude (talk) 23:30, 17 March 2014 (UTC)
- Math
- I'll take care of the migraton after CICM paper deadline on 14th of March. Maybe it's a good chance for a fresh start.--physikerwelt (talk) 13:44, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
- Mediawiki-dev
- Megacron
- Mobile
- Multimedia
- https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62616
- As far as I know, this is
Done - the stuff I needed is off, anyway. --marktraceur (talk) 20:44, 20 March 2014 (UTC)
- Mwreview
- Nagios - Replaced with 'icinga' in eqiad. Damianz is maintaining this now. andrew (talk) 20:05, 27 March 2014 (UTC)
- Netflow - Moved. JoelKrauska (talk) 00:19, 28 March 2014 (UTC)
- Openstack
- Orgcharts
- The /data/project bug is the only thing needs doing. I'll rebuild the instance by hand when I get the time.
- https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62238
- Planet dzahn (talk) 05:18, 19 March 2014 (UTC)
- Project-proxy
Dan Andreescu remembered about this project after the deadline - and he apologizes. It's migrated properly, the old instance can be deleted.
- Snuggle -- Old instances and storage can be cleared.
- Sugarcrm
- Testlabs
- Toolsbeta
Done --Tim Landscheidt (talk) 01:35, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
- Visualeditor
- Wikidata-build
- Wikidata-dev
- Wikistream
- Wikisource-tools
- Wikisource-dev
- Wikimania-support
Done --BryanDavis (talk) 01:34, 12 March 2014 (UTC)
- Tools
- Uploadwizard-osm-embedding
- Utrs
- Zotero
- Design
Done yuvipanda (talk) 20:09, 25 March 2014 (UTC)
- Wikistats
claimed, please ask me, started making new eqiad instances but had issues with NFS bug.. dzahn (talk) 05:11, 19 March 2014 (UTC). Done now. instances deleted. see project SAL. dzahn (talk) 16:17, 28 March 2014 (UTC) - Catgraph
- Handled as part of https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63141 andrew (talk) 20:50, 26 March 2014 (UTC)
Mothballed projects
Instances are in eqiad, shut down. To revive, consult a labs op.
- Abusefilter-global
- Ceph
- Category-sorting
- Centralauth
- Collection-alt-renderer
- Commons-dev
- Conventionextension
- Mothballed -- conventionextension-test may not survive
- Crisiswiki
- Datadog
- Data4all
- Dns
- Echo
- Documentation
- Farsi-wikitest
- Fundraising
- Feeds
- Fundraising-awight
- Glass
- Globaleducation
- Greensmw
- Hadoop
- Incubator
- Jawiki
- Mailman
- Mediawiki-api
- Mediawiki-bugfix
- Mediawiki-custom-de
- Metavidwiki
- Moodle
- Nginx
- Opengrok
- Openid
- Opensim
- Openstack-wiki
- Outreach
- Oxygenguide
- Packaging
- Patchtest
- Pdbhandler
- Pediapress
- Publicdata
- Pubsubhubbub
- Mothballed, also maybe partially migrated? It's unclear.
- Puppet-cleanup
- Currently has no instances, shared storage is not needed. But, please keep the project. --JanZerebecki (talk) 15:04, 14 November 2014 (UTC)
- Quality-assurance
- Sartoris
- Search
- Simplewiki
- Social-Tools
- Svg
- Swift
- Swiftupgrade
- Syslog-collection
- Translatesvg
- Titleblacklist
- Tor
- Trebuchet
- Tutorial
- Upload-wizard
- Varnish
- Versionview
- Webplatform
- Wikibits
- Wikifollower
- Wikiversity-sandbox
- Wiktionary-tools
- Wlmjudging
- Otrs
Discarded projects
These projects are no longer in use. They will be deleted without migration to eqiad.
- Lucene-test
- Resourceloader2
- Solr
- Stats
- Mingle
- Webtools
- Extensions-review
- Feel free to discard this — it never panned out. Its resources should be returned to the global pool.
- —Daniel Renfro 21:19, 6 March 2014 (UTC)
- Watchlist-groups
- Bugtracker
- Shop-analytics
- Wikivoyage. I never really got this off the ground. I have no plans to use it further. If other Wikivoyagers wish to migrate this, I am okay with them doing so without me. Howover, I suspect starting over from scratch on the new server would make more sense, as I did not create anything noteworthy here. So, if no one else pipes up, please delete this. --Rogerhc (talk) 03:45, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
- Global-Admin
- Eventlogging
- Observium
- Mobile-sms
- Bugzilla
- After giving migration a shot in bugzilla:62658 we decided it's easier to kill and re-set up. --aklapper