This happens when prometheus has no data from k8s on the builds-api pod.
Error / Incident
This usually comes in the form of an alert in alertmanager.
There you will get which project (tools, toolsbeta, ...) is the one it's failing for.
This is a tricky one and it will be related to the way we gather metrics on tools/toolsbeta.
Note that this is not directly related to the metricsinfra monitoring project, but toolforge's own setup.
You can start by going to the project's prometheus page and trying to get the stats there, example for tools:
Common issues
Add new issues here when you encounter them!
Prometheus k8s cert expired
If build-api seems up, you can check if the certificates that prometheus uses to connect to k8s have expired (there should have been another alert though) Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Runbooks/PrometheusK8sCertExpirySoon.
Related information
- Karma UI (use
for filtering) - Tools prometheus
- Toolsbeta prometheus
- Alerts repository
- Toolforge admin docs
Old incidents
Add any incident tasks here!