Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Jobs framework
This page contains information about the architecture and components of the Toolforge Jobs Framework.
The framework is called Toolforge Jobs Framework (or TJF). The main component is a REST API to ease end user interaction with Toolforge jobs in the kubernetes cluster. The API abstracts away most of the k8s gory details for configuring, removing, managing and reading status on jobs. The abstraction approach is similar to what is being done with Toolforge webservices (we have the webservice
command there), but with an approach that consist on having most of the business logic in an API service.
By splitting the software into several components, and introducing an stable API, we aim to reduce maintenance burden by not needing to rebuild all Toolforge docker containers every time we change some internal mechanism (which is the case of the tools-webservice

The framework consists on 3 components:
- jobs-framework-api (code) --- uses flask-restful and runs inside the k8s cluster. Offers the REST API that in turn interacts with the k8s API native objects:
. - jobs-framework-cli (gerrit) (gitiles) --- command line interface to interact with the jobs API service. Typically used by end users in Toolforge bastions.
- jobs-framework-emailer (code) --- a daemon that uses the official k8s python client and asyncio. It runs inside k8s, listen to pod events, and email users about their jobs activity.
The REST API is freely usable within Toolforge, both bastion servers and kubernetes pods. This means that a running job can interact with the Toolforge jobs API and CRUD other jobs.

To ensure that Toolforge users only manage their own jobs, TJF uses kubernetes certificates for client authentication. These x509 certificates are automatically managed by maintain-kubeusers
, and live in each user home directory:
toolsbeta.test@toolsbeta-sgebastion-04:~$ egrep client-certificate\|client-key .kube/config
client-certificate: /data/project/test/.toolskube/client.crt
client-key: /data/project/test/.toolskube/client.key
toolsbeta.test@toolsbeta-sgebastion-04:~$ head -1 /data/project/test/.toolskube/client.crt
toolsbeta.test@toolsbeta-sgebastion-04:~$ head -1 /data/project/test/.toolskube/client.key
The jobs-framework-api
component needs to know the client certificate CommonName. With this information, jobs-framework-api
can supplant the user by reading again the x509 certificates from the user home, and use them to interact with the kubernetes API. This is effectively a TLS proxy that reuses the original certificate.
In the current Toolforge webservice setup, TLS termination is done at the nginx front proxy. The front proxy talks to the backends using plain HTTP, with no simple options for relaying or forwarding the original client TLS certs. That's why the jobs-framework-api
doesn't use the main Toolofrge ingress setup.
This results in two types of connections, as shown in the diagram above:
- connection type 1: an user contacts
using k8s client TLS certs from its home directory. The TLS connection is established to theingress-ngnx-jobs
, which has the client-side TLS termination. This can happen from a Toolforge bastion, or from a Job already running inside kubernetes. The connection can be made either usingjobs-framework-cli
or directly contactingjobs-framework-api
programmatically by other methods. - connection type 2: once the CommonName of the original request certificate is validated,
can load the same k8s client TLS certificate from the user home, and supplant the user to contact the k8s API. For this to be possible, thejobs-framework-api
component needs permissions for every user home directory, pretty much likemaintain-kubeusers
This setup is possible because the x509 certificates are maintained by the maintain-kubeusers
component, and because jobs-framework-api
runs inside the kubernetes cluster itself and therefore can be configured with enough permissions to read each users home.
More or other authentication mechanisms can be introduced in the future as we detect new use cases.
The Toolforge front proxy exists today basically for webservices running in the grid. Once the grid is fully deprecated and we no longer need the front proxy, we could re-evaluate this whole situation and simplify it.
Ingress & TLS
The jobs-framework-api
doesn't use a kubernetes ingress resource. Instead, it deploys its own nodeport service in the jobs-api
The jobs-specific one is able to read TLS client certificates and pass the ssl-client-subject-dn
HTTP header to the pod running the toolforge-jobs-api
With this information toolforge-jobs-api
can load again the client cert when talking to the k8s API on behalf of the original user.
The way this whole ingress/TLS setup works is as follows:
- The FQDN
that points to the k8s haproxy VIP address. - The haproxy system listens on 30001/TCP for this jobs-specific ingress (and in 30000/TCP for the general one).
- The haproxy daemon reaches all k8s worker nodes on 30001/TCP, where there is a nodeport service in the
namespace, that redirects packets to thejobs-api
deployment. - The deployment consist on 1 pod with 2 containers: nginx & the
itself. - The nginx container handles the TLS termination and proxies the API by means of a socket.
- Once the TLS certs are verified the proxy injects the HTTP header
, which contains theCN=
information of the original user. - With the
can load again the client certificate from the original user home on NFS and in turn contact the k8s API using them.
Some relevant URLs:
- https://jobs.svc.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud:30001/api/v1 --- API endpoint in the tools project.
- https://jobs.svc.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud:30001/api/v1 --- API endpoint in the toolsbeta project.
- https://jobs.toolforge.org/ --- name-reserved Toolforge tool (toolsadmin) (toolhub)
Please note that as of this writing the API endpoints are only available within Toolforge / Cloud VPS (internal IP address, no floating IP).
Deployment and maintenance
Information on how to deploy and maintain the framework.
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes/Custom_components.
To see logs, try something like:
user@toolsbeta-test-k8s-control-4:~$ sudo -i kubectl logs deployment/jobs-api -n jobs-api nginx
[..] - - [15/Feb/2022:12:57:54 +0000] "GET /api/v1/containers/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2655 "-" "python-requests/2.21.0" - - [15/Feb/2022:12:59:50 +0000] "GET /api/v1/list/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3 "-" "python-requests/2.21.0" - - [15/Feb/2022:13:00:34 +0000] "GET /api/v1/containers/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2655 "-" "python-requests/2.21.0" - - [15/Feb/2022:13:01:01 +0000] "GET /api/v1/containers/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2655 "-" "python-requests/2.21.0" - - [15/Feb/2022:13:01:02 +0000] "POST /api/v1/run/ HTTP/1.1" 409 52 "-" "python-requests/2.21.0"
user@toolsbeta-test-k8s-control-4:~$ sudo -i kubectl logs deployment/jobs-api -n jobs-api webservice
*** Operational MODE: single process ***
mounting api:app on /
Adding available container: {'shortname': 'tf-bullseye-std', 'image': 'docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-bullseye-standalone:latest'}
Adding available container: {'shortname': 'tf-buster-std-DEPRECATED', 'image': 'docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-buster-standalone:latest'}
Adding available container: {'shortname': 'tf-golang', 'image': 'docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-golang-sssd-base:latest'}
Adding available container: {'shortname': 'tf-golang111', 'image': 'docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-golang111-sssd-base:latest'}
Adding available container: {'shortname': 'tf-jdk17', 'image': 'docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-jdk17-sssd-base:latest'}
To verify the API endpoint is up try something like:
user@toolsbeta-test-k8s-control-4:~$ curl https://jobs.svc.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud:30001/api/v1/list -k
<head><title>400 No required SSL certificate was sent</title></head>
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
<center>No required SSL certificate was sent</center>
The 400 error is expected in that example because we're not sending a TLS client certificate, meaning nginx is doing its work correctly.
See how many jobs of a given type are defined:
user@tools-k8s-control-1:~$ sudo -i kubectl get jobs -A -l app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=toolforge-jobs-framework -l app.kubernetes.io/component=jobs
No resources found <-- this is somewhat normal, jobs may be short-lived
user@tools-k8s-control-1:~$ sudo -i kubectl get cronjob -A -l app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=toolforge-jobs-framework -l app.kubernetes.io/component=cronjobs
tool-admin updatetools 19,39,59 * * * * False 0 3m57s 31d
tool-botriconferme botriconferme-full 0,10 22,23 * * * False 0 16h 27h
tool-botriconferme botriconferme-purge-log 0 0 1 * * False 0 <none> 27h
tool-botriconferme botriconferme-quick */15 * * * * False 0 2m57s 27h
tool-cdnjs update-index 17 4 * * * False 1 12d 34d
user@tools-k8s-control-1:~$ sudo -i kubectl get deploy -A -l app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=toolforge-jobs-framework -l app.kubernetes.io/component=deployments
tool-cluebot3 cluebot3 1/1 1 1 10d
tool-fixsuggesterbot fix-suggester-bot-consume 1/1 1 1 198d
tool-fixsuggesterbot fix-suggester-bot-subscribe 1/1 1 1 198d
tool-majavah-bot t1-enwiki 1/1 1 1 18d
tool-mjolnir mjolnir 1/1 1 1 186d
tool-mjolnir uatu 1/1 1 1 183d
A simple debian package installed on the bastions. See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Packaging.
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes/Custom_components.
Service logs:
user@tools-k8s-control-1:~$ sudo -i kubectl -n jobs-emailer logs deployment/jobs-emailer
Live configuration can be seen with:
user@tools-k8s-control-1:~$ sudo -i kubectl -n jobs-emailer get cm jobs-emailer-configmap -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
debug: "yes"
email_from_addr: noreply@toolforge.org
email_to_domain: tools.wmflabs.org
email_to_prefix: tools
send_emails_for_real: "yes"
smtp_server_fqdn: mail.tools.wmflabs.org
smtp_server_port: "25"
task_compose_emails_loop_sleep: "400"
task_read_configmap_sleep: "10"
task_send_emails_loop_sleep: "10"
task_send_emails_max: "10"
task_watch_pods_timeout: "60"
Values can be edited with kubectl -n jobs-emailer edit cm jobs-emailer-configmap
. Editing some value will trigger a live reconfiguration (no need to restart anything).
Prebuilt image management
Images are built on the tools-docker-imagebuilder-01 instance, which is setup with appropriate credentials (and a hole in the proxy for the docker registry) to allow pushing. Note that you need to be root to build / push docker containers. Suggest using sudo -i
for it - since docker looks for credentials in the user's home directory, and it is only present in root's home directory.
Building Toolforge specific images
These are present in the git repository operations/docker-images/toollabs-images
. There is a base image called docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-buster-sssd
that inherits from the wikimedia-buster base image but adds the toolforge debian repository + ldap SSSD support. All Toolforge related images should be named docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-$SOMETHING
. The structure should be fairly self explanatory. There is a clone of it in /srv/images/toolforge
on the docker builder host.
You can rebuild any particular image by running the build.py
script in that repository. If you give it the path inside the repository where a Docker image lives, it'll rebuild all containers that your image lives from and all the containers that inherit from your container. This ensures that any changes in the Dockerfiles are completely built and reflected immediately, rather than waiting in surprise when something unrelated is pushed later on. We rely on Docker's build cache mechanisms to make sure this doesn't slow down incredibly. It then pushes them all to the docker registry.
Example of rebuilding the python2 images:
$ ssh tools-docker-imagebuilder-01.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
$ screen
$ sudo su
$ cd /srv/images/toolforge
$ git fetch
$ git log --stat HEAD..@{upstream}
$ git rebase @{upstream}
$ ./build.py --push python2-sssd/base
By default, the script will build the testing tag of any image, which will not be pulled by webservice and it will build with the prefix of toolforge. Webservice pulls the latest tag. If the image you are working on is ready to be automatically applied to all newly-launched containers, you should add the --tag latest
argument to your build.py command:
$ ./build.py --tag latest --push python2-sssd/base
You will probably want to clean up intermediate layers after building new containers:
$ docker ps --no-trunc -aqf "status=exited" | xargs docker rm
$ docker images --no-trunc | grep '<none>' | awk '{ print $3 }' | xargs -r docker rmi
All of the web
images install our locally managed toollabs-webservice
package. When it is updated to fix bugs or add new features the Docker images need to be rebuilt. This is typically a good time to ensure that all apt managed packages are updated as well by rebuilding all of the images from scratch:
$ ssh tools-docker-imagebuilder-01.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
$ screen
$ sudo su
$ cd /srv/images/toolforge
$ git fetch
$ git log --stat HEAD..@{upstream}
$ git reset --hard origin/master
$ ./rebuild_all.sh
See Portal:Toolforge/Admin/Kubernetes/Docker-registry for more info on the docker registry setup.
Managing images available for tools
Available images are managed in image-config. Here is how to add a new image:
- Add the new image name in the image-config repository
- Deploy this change to toolsbeta:
cookbook wmcs.toolforge.k8s.component.deploy --git-url https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/image-config/ --cluster-name toolsbeta
- Deploy this change to tools:
cookbook wmcs.toolforge.k8s.component.deploy --git-url https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/image-config/ --cluster-name tools
- Recreate the jobs-api pods in the Toolsbeta cluster, to make them read the new ConfigMap
- SSH to the bastion:
ssh toolsbeta-sgebastion-05.toolsbeta.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
- Find the pod ids:
kubectl get pod -n jobs-api
- Delete the pods, K8s will replace them with new ones:
kubectl sudo delete pod -n jobs-api {pod-name}
- SSH to the bastion:
- Do the same in the Tools cluster (same instructions, but use
as the SSH bastion)
- Deploy this change to toolsbeta:
- From a bastion, check you can run the new image with
webservice {image-name} shell
- From a bastion, check the new image is listed when running
toolforge-jobs images
- Update the Toolforge/Kubernetes wiki page to include the new image
API docs
See https://api-docs.toolforge.org/docs
See also
- Wikimedia_Cloud_Services_team/EnhancementProposals/Toolforge_jobs -- where this was initially designed.
- Help:Toolforge/Jobs_framework -- end user documentation
- Phabricator T286135: Toolforge jobs framework: email maintainers on job failure -- original feature request for the emailer component.
Some upstream kubernetes documentation pointers:
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller/
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs/
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/job/
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/job/automated-tasks-with-cron-jobs/
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/#ttl-mechanism-for-finished-jobs
Related components: