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Obsolete:Portal:Data Services/Admin/Runbooks/LabstoreSlowGetent

From Wikitech
The procedures in this runbook require admin permissions to complete.

Error / Incident

Getent (querying for a user on ldap) was too slow or failed completely from one of the labstore nodes.

LDAP is a core service used by many (toolforge, CloudVPS, dumps, ...) so this potentially means that all those could be unusable.


You cant try sshing to the host with errors (might not work with you user if LDAP is completely down, you might to have to use root) and checking there the logs (journalctl).

You can try running the same command that the script uses, see if there's any logs:

/usr/bin/useldap /usr/bin/getent group tools.admin

TODO: Fill up with more debugging steps the next time this happens

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