Offsite Backups
This page may be outdated or contain incorrect details. Please update it if you can.
Planning notes for offsite backups. This is a draft, edit heavily please.
Our backup strategy has several components:
- replication, for immediate failover in case of hardware or power failure
- snapshots, for fast restoration after data corruption
- off site backups, for protection against undiscovered long-term corruption, malicious destruction of data, and for historical archiving
- Old backups are kept around forever (every six months? every year?)
- Backups are off-line and inaccessible to WMF employees, volunteers, hackers, etc.
- Media is durable for decades (or provision is made for periodic copying)
- Archive format will be readable for decades (or provision is made for periodic conversion)
- ...?
- See also Obsolete:Offsite Backups (old)
- Random discussions