Help:Toolforge/Developing successful tools
This page provides tips to help you develop successful tools on Toolforge. If you have useful advice, please share.

Pick a license
All code in the ‘tools’ project must be published under an OSI approved open source license. Please add a license at the beginning!
A clear license is very important. It explains the rights that you are willing to grant to others who want to use or modify the software you built. Based on the general principles of the Wikimedia movement.
To learn more about choosing a license for Wikimedia see Wikimedia movement.
The two easiest options for your licenses are:
- GPL-3.0-or-later if you want to ensure that all derivative works are made available under the same license terms (an older GPL license is used for MediaWiki itself) or
- MIT if you only want to ensure that your original work is mentioned in a derivative project. is a good explanation of differences between many Free and Open Source licenses. Be aware the some of the licenses described there are not OSI approved however, so make sure to check against the OSI list before using a license for your project.
How to add your license to your source code
License your source code and document that with a LICENSE or COPYING file in the tool's home directory and header comments in the source code.
Publish the code
Sharing files via packages or version control
- Package shared libraries using the package manager for your implementation language: PHP Composer packages, Python PyPI packages, Ruby gems, etc. This is the recommended and most portable and future-proof method of sharing code with multiple projects.
- Shared code can be stored in git submodules, which allow users to keep a git repository within another git repository. Sharing code in this way retains the maintainability and other source controls advantages of git. For more information about git submodules, please see the git documentation.
Sharing files via NFS
Programs running in Kubernetes webservice containers have access to shared NFS directories. This shared access can be used to share files between multiple tool accounts. This is the least portable method of sharing and may not be supported in all future Toolforge services.
- Shared config or other files may be placed in the
directory, which is readable (and potentially writeable) by all Toolforge tools and users. In this directory are available, for instance:- a full MediaWiki checkout (core and all extensions in gerrit)
- Files placed in the tool home directory
(including the tool's code) are also readable by any other tool, unless files permissions are modified (see Help:Toolforge/Quickstart#File_permissions) - Full read/write access to a tool's code can be delegated to other tools by adding the tools as maintainers of the tool that is hosting the code. This can be done at<tool>/maintainers/
. (It may be appropriate to create a new tool to house the shared code.)
Have co-maintainers
Find co-maintainers for your tools who can help out at least with starting/stopping jobs when needed.
Write some docs
See the Tool Docs guide for templates and guidelines about how to document your tool. This is essential for others to know how it functions and to help maintain it into the future.
Tools hosted on Toolforge should create a page in the Tool:
namespace, which either contains documentation or links to the page or repository where you maintain your documentation.
Going beyond
Operating in the open is essential to the success of Toolforge projects.
Things should work on mobile.
Basic descriptions should be clear to people who are less-familiar/non-technical/English-as-a-second-language.
Add your tool to Toolhub.
Planning for success
There are many things to think about when you are planning to build a tool.
Have the accounts you need
Follow the Toolforge quickstart guide to make sure that you have all of the accounts and logins you need to begin developing tools with Toolforge.
Secure passwords and other credentials
Keep passwords and other credentials (OAuth secrets, etc) separated from the main application code so that they are not exposed publicly in your version control system of choice.
We recommend using the envvars service to store credentials and make them available as environment variables for your application.
Stay small
Make many small tools that each do one specific task rather than a catch-all tool that does many different tasks.
Pick the right development environment
If you will be doing heavy processing (e.g., tool test runs), please use the development environment ( instead of the primary login host ( so as to help maintain the interactive performance of the primary login host.
The host is functionally identical to
Even when running on, your processes may be killed without notice by system administrators or automated watch processes if performance of the shared server is severely impacted.
![]() | The bastion servers do not have compiler tools such as gcc installed. If you want to compile something, see Help:Toolforge/Troubleshooting#There is no C/C++ compiler. |
Determine which public version control you will use
You'll want to use public version control for your tool. You can learn more about how to use version control with Toolforge here: Help:Toolforge/Version Control in Toolforge.
Pick a programming language
Do you have experience that might help another user? Please share it (or point to it) here!
Include useful links on a tool's public webpage
If your tool is a web application, you should include some useful links on it for users. For example:
- Feedback page link,
- Documentation link,
- Source code link and license,
- Authors name(s).
See more ideas and examples in phab:T202949.
Communication and support
Support and administration of the WMCS resources is provided by the Wikimedia Foundation Cloud Services team and Wikimedia movement volunteers. Please reach out with questions and join the conversation:
- Chat in real time in the IRC channel #wikimedia-cloud connect or the bridged Telegram group
- Discuss via email after you have subscribed to the cloud@ mailing list
- Subscribe to the cloud-announce@ mailing list (all messages are also mirrored to the cloud@ list)
- Read the News wiki page
Use a subproject of the #Cloud-Services Phabricator project to track confirmed bug reports and feature requests about the Cloud Services infrastructure itself
Read the Cloud Services Blog (for the broader Wikimedia movement, see the Wikimedia Technical Blog)