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From Wikitech

This is the internal runbook for XHGui service.


Hosts as of July 2023:

  • webperf
  • deployment-webperf21 (Beta cluster)

Provisioned by the Puppet role::webperf which installs the XHGui web app at https://performance.wikimedia.org/xhgui/ from the operations/software/xhgui repository (this is a mirror of the upstream perftools/xhgui repo).

Public web access is provided via an Apache proxy from the webperf host that serves performance.wikimedia.org.


Infrastructure diagram.

Upgrade XHGui

You will need:

  • a local checkout of operations/software/xhgui.git, which is our mirror.
    • including a remote for upstream. git remote add upstream git@github.com:perftools/xhgui.git
    • including submodules checked out. git submodule update --init --recursive
  • a local checkout of performance/docroot.git, which stores the https://performance.wikimedia.org/ website
    • including submodules checked out. git submodule update --init --recursive
  • commit access to operations/software/xhgui.git and performance/* repositories (granted to Gerrit group "performance", per access).

Update our mirror

  1. Check out our mirror.
  2. Merge in the new release tag from upstream.
  3. Push to Gerrit (fast-forward only).
$ cd xhgui/
xhgui$ git checkout wmf_deploy && git remote update && git reset --hard origin/wmf_deploy
xhgui$ git merge 0.12.0
xhgui$ git push origin HEAD:wmf_deploy

Update dependencies

To update our dependencies in performance/xhgui-vendor, follow steps in README.

Then, in your local xhgui checkout:

  1. Fast-forward the vendor submodule.
  2. Commit the submodule update.
  3. Push to Gerrit (fast-forward only).
$ cd xhgui/

xhgui$ cd vendor/
xhgui/vendor$ git pull
xhgui/vendor$ cd ..

xhgui$ git add vendor && git commit
xhgui$ git push origin HEAD:wmf_deploy

Upgrade our install

To deploy an XHGui upgrade, update the submodule pointer in performance/docroot.git

  1. Fast-forward the xhgui submodule.
  2. Commit the submodule update.
  3. Push to Gerrit for review.
$ cd performance.wikimedia.org
performance.wikimedia.org$ cd xhgui/
performance.wikimedia.org/xhgui$ git pull
performance.wikimedia.org/xhgui$ cd ..

performance.wikimedia.org$ git add vendor && git commit
performance.wikimedia.org$ git review

Test on Beta Cluster:

  1. ssh deployment-webperf21.deployment-prep.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
  2. Copy the "Download > Anonymous HTTP > Cherry pick" command from Gerrit for your docroot patch and run it as www-data on the beta server:
  3. cd /srv/org/wikimedia/performance$ sudo -u www-data sh -c 'git fetch … && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD'

Deploy to production:

Once the performance/docroot patch is reviewed and merged, Puppet will automatically apply it to production webperf* hosts within 30 minutes.