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From Wikitech
Statsd is supported (on the production realm), but new metrics producers are encouraged to use Prometheus instead.

statsd is a metrics aggregation server. We use it to aggregate metrics for Graphite. It flushes data points to Graphite at an interval of 60 seconds (the highest resolution supported by our Graphite configuration), otherwise only the last data point in a given minute would be stored. Statsd also adds various properties to the data such as .rate.median.p95, etc. More about that at Graphite#Extended properties.


Wikimedia currently uses the statsite implementation (package, website), written is a C program that is wire-compatible with Etsy's original Statsd (written in Node.js).

Several statsite deamons are hosted on the main Graphite servers, with a local load-balancer in front of them (statsd-proxy). You should access it through the canonical hostname "statsd.eqiad.wmnet".


Use of Statsd was first deployed in 2015 using wikimedia/statsdlb, a StatsD-compatible load-balancer written in C by Ori Livneh. This ran in front of armon/statsite, a C implementation of statsd.

In 2016, the wikimedia/statsdlb service was replaced by hit9/statsd-proxy for performance reasons (T126447).

See also