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Kubernetes/Service ips

From Wikitech

This page is intended to list the ClusterIP addresses we allocate statically on the wikikube cluster. We just list the last octet. Given we assign a /24 subnet as a ClusterIP range, the first 16 addresses should be reserved for static IPs allocation.

However, some other IPs might be assigned inside that range. You should always verify your address isn't already allocated by checking (as admin):

(admin eqiad) # kubectl get service --all-namespaces | awk '{if ($4 ~ /^[0-9]/) {print $4}}' | sort -t. -n +3.0

Once you've checked that your desired IP is not already allocated live on the cluster or reserved here, please add it to the table below.

Namespace Service IP
default kubernetes .1
kube-dns coredns .3
mw-debug statsd-exporter .5
mw-web statsd-exporter .6
mw-api-ext statsd-exporter .7
mw-api-int statsd-exporter .8
mw-jobrunner statsd-exporter .9
mw-parsoid statsd-exporter .11
mw-mcrouter mcrouter .12