Kubernetes/Clusters/Add or remove control-planes
< Kubernetes | Clusters
Add stacked control-plane
The etcd part of this needs to be done one-by-one for each new control-plane as it it not possible to add more than one "unstarted" etcd node to the cluster and new nodes joining do expect all of the nodes in the server SRV record to be reachable.
- It might be wise to image the new control-plane initially with insetup role to speed up the process later (by just having to run puppet)
- Ensure the new control-plane has a DNS record (adding to the etcd SRV record fails CI otherwise)
- Ensure the existing etcd cluster is not in bootstrap mode (check that
) - Add the new nodes FQDN to the server SRV record of the etcd cluster: gerrit, DNS - Wikitech
- Add the new node as a member to the etcd cluster
export ETCDCTL_API=3
etcdctl --endpoints https://$(hostname -f):2379 member add "${NEW_FQDN%%.*}" --peer-urls="https://${NEW_FQDN}:2380"
- Stop puppet on the new control-plane
- Add the
role to the new control-pane, add it to the cluster and conftool: gerrit, Kubernetes/Clusters/Add or remove nodes - Wikitech - Run puppet on existing apiservers and nodes
sudo cumin -b 1 -s 60 "A:wikikube-staging-master and A:${DC}" 'run-puppet-agent -q'
sudo cumin -b 15 -s 5 "A:wikikube-staging-worker and A:${DC}" 'run-puppet-agent -q'
- Run puppet on the new control-planes
- Label the control-plane as master
kubectl label nodes kubestagemaster2005.codfw.wmnet node-role.kubernetes.io/master=""
- Set the node to
BGP: True
in Netbox - Run homer, check with
calicoctl node status
on the new control-planes if BGP sessions are established - Pool the new control-planes
sudo confctl select "name=${NEW_FQDN}" set/pooled=yes:weight=10
- Uncordon the new control-plane:
kubectl uncordon kubestagemaster2005.codfw.wmnet
Remove control-plane(s)
- Downtime:
sudo cookbook sre.hosts.downtime -t T363307 -D 2 -r decom 'kubestagemaster200[1-2].codfw.wmnet'
- Depool
sudo confctl select "name=kubestagemaster200[12].codfw.wmnet" set/pooled=inactive
- Set the node to
BGP: False
in Netbox - Run homer Homer
- Drain and cordon control-planes
kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data kubestagemaster2001.codfw.wmnet kubestagemaster2002.codfw.wmnet
- Disable puppet and stop k8s api-server components
sudo cumin kubestagemaster200[1-2].codfw.wmnet "disable-puppet decom && systemctl stop kube-apiserver.service kube-controller-manager.service kube-scheduler.service"
- Run decom cookbook:
sudo cookbook sre.hosts.decommission -t T363307 kubestagemaster200[1-2].codfw.wmnet
- Remove from
, conftool,hieradata/common/kubernetes.yaml:
Decom kubestagemaster200[12] kubectl delete node kubestagemaster2001.codfw.wmnet kubestagemaster2002.codfw.wmnet
- Run puppet on remaining control-planes and nodes
sudo cumin -b 1 -s 60 "A:wikikube-staging-master and A:${DC}" 'run-puppet-agent -q'
sudo cumin -b 15 -s 5 "A:wikikube-staging-worker and A:${DC}" 'run-puppet-agent -q'
Remove etcd node(s)
- Downtime nodes:
sudo cookbook sre.hosts.downtime -t T363307 -D 2 -r decom 'kubestagetcd200[1-3].codfw.wmnet'
- Move leadership to a node that is not going to be removed
sudo cumin -o txt A:wikikube-staging-etcd-codfw 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints https://$(hostname -f):2379 -w table endpoint status'
# if a to be removed node is leader:
sudo cumin -o txt <FQDN of leader> 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints https://$(hostname -f):2379 move-leader <ID of a different node>'
- Remove the nodes from the cluster:
# run on one of the remaining etcd nodes
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints https://$(hostname -f):2379 member list
# for all nodes to remove
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints https://$(hostname -f):2379 member remove <ID>
- Remove the nodes FQDN from the server and client SRV record of the etcd cluster: gerrit, DNS - Wikitech
- Run decom
sudo cookbook sre.hosts.decommission -t T363307 'kubestagetcd200[1-3].codfw.wmnet'
- Run puppet on remaining control-planes
sudo cumin -b 1 -s 60 "A:wikikube-staging-master and A:${DC}" 'run-puppet-agent -q'