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Deployments/Blocking tasks

From Wikitech

Each version of MediaWiki that is deployed to Wikimedia's production clusters should have a corresponding task in Phabricator. When a release-critical issue is discovered and reported in Phabricator, it should be added as a subtask under the blocker task for the most current or any other affected versions. Release engineers monitor all sub-tasks for the deployment branch they are assigned to and all serious issues must be resolved before resuming routine code deployments.

The current train blocker task may be found via: https://train-blockers.toolforge.org

Maintaining the blocking tasks

Periodically, the release manager will create batches of new tasks in Phabricator for planned upcoming MediaWiki version.

The Release Tools Repository contains a script to make blockers

Usage: ./bin/phab-train-blocker-tasks [--count NUM] --date START_DATE START_VERSION
Example: ./bin/phab-train-blocker-tasks --count 10 --date 2022-08-08 1.39.0-wmf.24

You must provide the date and version corresponding to the first task that you will create in the series.

  • The --count argument should be followed by an integer specifying how many new tasks should be created. If --count is omitted then you will only create 1 task.
  • The --date argument should be followed by a date in YYYY-MM-DD format. This date should be the Monday of the week your version is being deployed.
  • The last argument on the command line is the wmf version corresponding to the provided date, in #.##.#-wmf.# format.

For Example: With your shell's working directory set to the root of the release tools repo, run the following command to create a series of 2 tasks beginning with 1.31.0-wmf.14 on 2017-12-25


The blockers plugin doesn't know when one version series ends and the next begins. You have to create (for example) the 1.31.0-wmf.* series separately from the 1.32.0-wmf.* series.

Install requirements

See Also