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WMDE/Wikidata/SSR Service/sequence

From Wikitech

Compatible with:

title Wikibase Termbox Server Side Rendering

actor Browser

participant MediaWiki PHP

  participant SSR
  participant SSR Proc Cache

participant MW / WB APIs

Browser->MediaWiki PHP:/wiki/Q123

MediaWiki PHP->SSR:Q123, en, ...

SSR->MW / WB APIs:/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q123.json
MW / WB APIs-->>SSR:Entity data (JSON)

SSR->SSR Proc Cache:Get Content Languages

SSR Proc Cache->MW / WB APIs:<align:center>/w/api.php?action=query&\nmeta=wbcontentlanguages</align>

SSR Proc Cache-->>SSR:language data

note over SSR Proc Cache,MW / WB APIs:requests can be combined

SSR->SSR Proc Cache:Get Messages

SSR Proc Cache->MW / WB APIs:<align:center>/w/api.php?action=query&\nmeta=allmessages\n(specific langs & messages)</align>

SSR Proc Cache-->>SSR:messages

SSR-->>MediaWiki PHP:HTML of termbox

MediaWiki PHP-->>Browser:page HTML