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Wikidata contact information for Alertmanager is set in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/operations/puppet/+/production/modules/alertmanager/templates/alertmanager.yml.erb

The status of alerts can be seen at https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=team%3Dwikidata

Internally in WMDE there is a wikidata-monitoring mailing list you can subscribe to.

All alerts coming from grafana with tag of team: "wikidata-team" and receiver of Alertmanager will end up contacting the wikidata-monitoring internal mailing list. (See Alertmanager for more information on how to setup alerts that would contact the team).


Alertmanager handle wikidata alerts dashboard on Grafana.

The dashboard can be found here: https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/TUJ0V-0Zk/wikidata-alerts

Maxlag: Above 10 for 1 hour

In the past this has been caused by:

Edits: Wikidata edit rate

The edit rate on Wikidata can be a good indicator that something somewhere is wrong, although it will not always indicate exactly what that is.

You can view the edits dashboard at https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000170/wikidata-edits

If MAXLAG is high, that might be a reason for low edit rate.

You may want to investigate what is going on with the API (as all edits go via the API) https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000559/api-requests-breakdown?refresh=5m&orgId=1&var-metric=p50&var-module=wb*

API: Max p95 execute time for write modules

Investigate the wb api @ https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000559/api-requests-breakdown?refresh=5m&orgId=1&var-metric=p50&var-module=wb*

In the past this has been caused by:

  • s8 db being overloaded, often for a fixable reason
  • Memcached being overloaded, in the past indicating UBNs

Termbox Request Errors

This kind of error occurs when Wikibase is unable to reach the Termbox Service, i.e. the HTTP request itself fails and is unlikely to have reached its destination. This error does *not* get triggered by erroneous responses, so it means there is a problem on the MediaWiki/Wikibase side or network issues.

Change Dispatching

See WMDE/Wikidata/Dispatching and Wikibase: Change propagation. More metrics can be found on https://grafana-rw.wikimedia.org/d/hGFN2TH7z/edit-dispatching-via-jobs

See WMDE/Wikidata/Runbooks/Change dispatching/Alert for a details on the alerts.

Oozie Job

Sometimes these jobs will fail for random reasons.

They will be restarted, so no need to worry on a first failure.

If things continue to fail, contact WMF analytics to investigate on IRC in #wikimedia-analytics.