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User talk:Rillke

From Wikitech
Latest comment: 1 year ago by Komla Sapaty in topic Tool Migration from the Grid

Your shell access was granted

Hello, welcome to Wikimedia Labs! I would like to inform you that your shell request was processed and you should be able to login to Bastion host now at bastion.wmflabs.org. In case you get into troubles, please read this page which contains useful information about accessing instances. You can also ask in our irc channel at #wikimedia-labs connect or send an e-mail to our mailing list labs-l@lists.wikimedia.org - thank you, and have fun using labs! Tim Landscheidt (talk) 20:49, 17 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Nice. Tried to SSH yesterday and wondered why this did not work. -- Rillke (talk) 06:45, 18 July 2013 (UTC)Reply
Was ist denn die Fehlermeldung? Kommt etwa:
 Permission denied (publickey).
dann versuch mal deinen Nutzernamen klein zu schreiben. Das war der Fehler bei mir. --Marco (talk) 18:28, 20 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Welcome to Tool Labs

Hello Rillke, welcome to the Tool Labs project! Your request for access was processed and you should be able to login now via ssh at tools-login.wmflabs.org. To get started, check the help page and the migrating from the Toolserver page. You can also ask in our IRC channel at #wikimedia-labs connect or send an e-mail to our mailing list labs-l@lists.wikimedia.org – thank you, and have fun using Tools!

Just to clarify: As far as I understand, JSHint's license isn't OSI approved and thus hosting JSHint not allowed on Labs/Tools. Tim Landscheidt (talk) 06:03, 26 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

Is there any way getting this .htaccess file not generating a 500 error? I am just asking because it works on Toolserver but not here. -- Rillke (talk) 15:35, 26 October 2013 (UTC)Reply


Hi Rillke, other projects have been occupying my time, but per your request here's a link to the PDBHandler source code: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/46897/. Documentation is here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PDBHandler. I likely will not have much time to develop the project in the near future, but I could probably any answer questions you might have about it. Cheers, Emw (talk) 12:31, 28 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

Labs instance mediahandler-tests-static.mediahandler-tests.eqiad.wmflabs

Hello! As part of routine security cleanups, we need to delete the instance 'mediahandler-tests-static' in the 'mediahandler-tests' project. I have records of you being associated with that project... can you comment on the usefulness (or uselessness) of that instance, or direct me to someone who can? If that instance is still doing useful work, it will need to be replaced with a VM running Trusty or Jessie -- Labs Staff is standing by to help with such migration.

Thank you! Some context for all this can be found here. andrew (talk) 18:19, 9 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

Thanks! Doing now. -- Rillke (talk) 22:50, 22 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

rillke-node Review

Hi, we're doing a review to make sure as many tools meet a minimum standard. I noticed rillke-node doesn't have a description on toolsadmin or a published repo. Could you add this information to this tool? Thanks! Komla Sapaty (talk) 20:51, 3 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Tool Migration from the Grid

Hi rillke, your tool is still running on the grid engine. According to the grid deprecation timeline that was shared, the grid will be stopped on the 14th of February. If you need assistance with the migration, kindly reach out on the phabricator ticket.

Please find the relevant ticket on Phabricator here T319735 Komla Sapaty (talk) 22:53, 1 February 2024 (UTC)Reply