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User:TBurmeister (WMF)/Sandbox/Data platform/Discover data reformatted

From Wikitech
This page is currently a draft.
Material may not yet be complete, information may presently be omitted, and certain parts of the content may be subject to radical, rapid alteration. More information pertaining to this may be available on the talk page.

This page provides links to data documentation for private and public Wikimedia data sources. Its primary audience is WMF data analysts, product teams, and researchers who have an official non-disclosure agreement with the Wikimedia Foundation.

  • Private data requires production data access. It includes datasets in WMF's Data Lake: a large, analytics-oriented repository of data about Wikimedia projects.
  • A selection of public data sources are linked here, but public Wikimedia data is described more fully at meta:Research:Data.

Traffic data

Analytics data about wiki pageviews and site usage.

Private traffic data

Most Data Lake traffic datasets are updated at hourly granularity, with 2-3 hours lag behind real-time. This data includes:

Full dataset list at Data Lake/Traffic.

"DataHub logo" View datasets tagged with "traffic" in DataHub (requires a developer account)

Content data

Datasets that contain full content of revisions for Wikimedia wikis.

Private content data

Public content data


Internal WMF users can query the MediaWiki APIs internally in R and Python, rather than sending requests over the internet.


Specialized datasets:

MediaWiki database tables:

Contributing and edits data

Data about wiki revisions, pages, and users. Includes data about editors and their characteristics.

Private edits data

Edits datasets are generated as monthly snapshots, not continuously updated. This data includes:

Full dataset list at Data Lake/Edits.

Public edits data


Internal WMF users can query the MediaWiki APIs internally in R and Python, rather than sending requests over the internet.


MediaWiki database tables:


Private contributors data

Private datasets about contributors or editors includes:

  • Geoeditors: Counts of editors by project by country

"DataHub logo" View datasets tagged with "editors" in DataHub (requires a developer account))

Instrumentation data

EventLogging enables Wikimedia data analysts and researchers to track data that MediaWiki doesn't normally log. Through the Event Platform and Metrics Platform you can create your own instruments using event data like:

  1. Logs of changes to user preferences
  2. A/B testing data
  3. Clicktracking data

These datasets are stored in the event and event_sanitized Hive databases, subject to HDFS access control. To learn how to access these data sources to create your own instruments, visit Collect data.

How to query private data

Visit Analyze data to learn how to run queries and generate visualizations using WMF private datasets and analysis tools.

Report data issues

Data Issue reports