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From Wikitech
Toolforge tools
Phabricator Search Alerts
Website https://phabsearchemail.toolforge.org
Description Automated results of phabricator searches via email
Keywords Phabricator, email
Author(s) RhinosF1talk
Maintainer(s) RhinosF1 (View all)
Source code https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/admin/projects/labs/tools/phabsearchemail
License GNU General Public License 3.0 or later
Issues [1]
Admin log Nova Resource:Tools.phabsearchemail/SAL

Requesting an email

  • Go to maniphest’s advanced search and complete your query, copy the url.
  • Fill out [2] and state your email
  • Someone with access may process the request (add them to the <frequency>.csv file)
  • Watch your inbox and wait.

Setting up a new cron

  1. Create a new file with the people to be notified on that schedule.
  2. Type 'toolforge-jobs run pse<file> --command "pyvenv39/bin/python3 /data/project/phabsearchemail/phabsearchemail/script.py /data/project/phabsearchemail/<file>.csv" --image tf-python39 --schedule '0 14 * * 1''

Triggering a manual run

To manually run the tool, simply become it and type 'toolforge-jobs run testpsejob --command "pyvenv39/bin/python3 /data/project/phabsearchemail/phabsearchemail/script.py /data/project/phabsearchemail/<file>.csv" --image tf-python39 --wait'

Deploying Changes

  1. cd phabsearchemail
  2. git pull

Should simply work, you may need to run webservice restart for some changes to the webservice