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Nova Resource:Tools.phabsearchemail/SAL

From Wikitech


  • 08:46 RhinosF1: crontab -are (T305290)
  • 08:43 RhinosF1: stop/start webservice to clear that very old bug about restart not working
  • 08:40 RhinosF1: toolforge-jobs run psemonthly --command "pyvenv39/bin/python3 /data/project/phabsearchemail/phabsearchemail/script.py /data/project/phabsearchemail/monthly.csv" --image tf-python39 --schedule '0 9 1 * *' (T305290)
  • 08:39 RhinosF1: toolforge-jobs run pseweekly --command "pyvenv39/bin/python3 /data/project/phabsearchemail/phabsearchemail/script.py /data/project/phabsearchemail/weekly.csv" --image tf-python39 --schedule '0 14 * * 1' (T305290)
  • 08:39 RhinosF1: toolforge-jobs run pseweekly --command "pyvenv39/bin/python3 /data/project/phabsearchemail/phabsearchemail/script.py /data/project/phabsearchemail/weekly.csv" --image tf-python39 --schedule '0 14 * * 1'
  • 08:27 RhinosF1: delete *.(err|out)
  • 08:25 RhinosF1: create toolforge-jobs venv for T305290


  • 22:23 wm-bot: <rhinosf1> Removed *.(out|log|err) full of useless messages saying it worked/general start stop stuff or empty and empty logs dir


  • 13:14 RhinosF1: crons are now '0 14 * * 1 /usr/bin/jsub -N cron-29 -once -quiet python3 /data/project/phabsearchemail/phabsearchemail/script.py /data/project/phabsearchemail/weekly.csv' && '0 9 1 * * /usr/bin/jsub -N cron-30 -once -quiet python3 /data/project/phabsearchemail/phabsearchemail/script.py /data/project/phabsearchemail/monthly.csv'
  • 13:06 RhinosF1: fixed reception's email and made cron use git repo
  • 12:51 wm-bot: <rhinosf1> start webservice
  • 12:50 wm-bot: <rhinosf1> ln -s /data/project/phabsearchemail/phabsearchemail/public_html /data/project/phabsearchemail/public_html


  • 08:53 RhinosF1: add reception123 to monthly email with .3DsUkoDTalo query T252415
  • 08:53 RhinosF1: created '0 9 1 * * /usr/bin/jsub -N cron-30 -once -quiet python3 phab.py monthly' cron


  • 14:02 RhinosF1: set cron for '/usr/bin/jsub -N cron-29 -once -quiet python3 phab.py' to run weekly at Monday 3pm T252301