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From Wikitech

Meet the Team

Leo Mata
SRE Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." - Henry David Thoreau

About me

Husband, father, FLOSS enthusiast, Costa Rican.

My work

Disclaimer: Although I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, contributions under this account do not necessarily represent the actions or views of the Foundation unless expressly stated otherwise. For example, edits to articles or uploads of other media are done in my individual, personal capacity unless otherwise stated.

Contact me

  • E-mail: lmata at wikimedia.org
  • IRC: 'lmata' in the wikimedia-operations channel on Libera
Andrea Denisse Gomez
Site Reliability Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation

About me

My work

Disclaimer: Although I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, contributions under this account do not necessarily represent the actions or views of the Foundation unless expressly stated otherwise. For example, edits to articles or uploads of other media are done in my individual, personal capacity unless otherwise stated.

Contact me

  • E-mail: adenisse at wikimedia.org
  • IRC: 'denisse' and/or 'denisse
Filippo Giunchedi
Staff Site Reliability Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation

About me

My work

Disclaimer: Although I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, contributions under this account do not necessarily represent the actions or views of the Foundation unless expressly stated otherwise. For example, edits to articles or uploads of other media are done in my individual, personal capacity unless otherwise stated.

Contact me

  • E-mail: filippo at wikimedia.org
  • IRC: 'godog' in the wikimedia-operations channel on Libera
me :)
me :)
Cole White
Senior Site Reliability Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation
讀萬卷書不如行萬里路 - Reading ten thousand books is less than journeying ten thousand miles.

About me

Technology and FLOSS is my passion.

My work

I joined the Foundation in 2018 with the goal of keeping the Wikimedia sites reliable, scalable, secure and performant.

Disclaimer: Although I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, contributions under this account do not necessarily represent the actions or views of the Foundation unless expressly stated otherwise. For example, edits to articles or uploads of other media are done in my individual, personal capacity unless otherwise stated.

Contact me

  • Location: Boise, Idaho
  • Email: cwhite@wikimedia.org
  • IRC: shdubsh
Keith Herron
Senior Site Reliability Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation

About me

My work

Disclaimer: Although I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, contributions under this account do not necessarily represent the actions or views of the Foundation unless expressly stated otherwise. For example, edits to articles or uploads of other media are done in my individual, personal capacity unless otherwise stated.

Contact me

  • E-mail: kherron at wikimedia.org
  • IRC: 'herron'