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RT/Reporting issues

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How to report an issue via RT

RT (RequestTracker) is an issue tracker used by the Operations Team. You do not need an account to report an issue or follow issues you have reported. To follow others' issues you must either have an account that lets you view that queue or you must have been added to the specific ticket as a reporter or observer.

Reporting an issue

Send email to ops-requests@rt.wikimedia.org with a description of the issue. This should have at least the following:

  • A short subject with good keywords describing the issue. For example, if the issue is with a specific host having issues, make sure the host's name is in the subject line.
  • What symptoms are being observed
  • If it's not a report of something broken but rather a task you want done, describe how soon it's needed/how urgent it is.
  • Link to any bugzilla reports, wiki pages, email threads etc. as appropriate.

You will get an automatically generated reply with the ticket number included in the subject and in the body of the message.

Following an issue

Any time someone answers the ticket, you'll get an email with your original subject line and [wikimedia #nnn] prepended to it, indicating the number of the ticket in our queue. Replying to that subject line will make sure your follow-up emails are attached to the ticket.

When the ticket is resolved, you'll also get an email notification about it.

Who to ask about new tickets

Every week there is a designated person from the operations team who looks at all incoming tickets and does a basic triage, handing off tickets to folks who know or are working on specific areas and doing basic requests themselves. The person on duty is reachable via irc in the #wikimedia-operations channel and their irc nick is in the topic of that channel. For more information on irc, see m:IRC/Instructions.