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Performance/FOSDEM 2021 Call for Participation

From Wikitech
This page contains historical information. Event is in the past.

FOSDEM 2021 Call for Participation: Web Performance

FOSDEM is a Free Software event that offers free software communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. This year the event will not take place in a physical location but online.

  • The reference time will be Brussels local lime (CET).
  • Talks will be pre-recorded in advance, and streamed during the event.
  • Q/A session will happen live
  • Functionality will be provided for people watching to chat between themselves
  • Functionality will be provided for people watching to submit questions

More details about the event can be found at https://archive.fosdem.org/2021/schedule/track/web_performance/.

Web Performance devroom

The Web Performance devroom will focus on ongoing open standards development and FLOSS projects that support Web Performance work.

The Web Performance field is driven by open standards (browser APIs, internet protocols) and relies on many FLOSS tools to monitor, analyse and improve performance.

Most conferences about this topic tend to focus on best practices and standards once they’ve been finalized, while the ongoing creation of standards and FLOSS tooling development is rarely talked about. The objective of this devroom is to bring focus to these critical areas that actually define the future of the Web Performance field.

Suggested presentation topics:

  • FLOSS tools to monitor, measure, analyse, optimize backend or frontend web performance
  • Open standards (eg. HTTP/3, upcoming JS/HTML/CSS standards)
  • Academic research on web performance

Submission process

Please submit your proposals using this form before 23 December 2020.

Important dates

  • December 16 2020 deadline for submitting talk proposals
  • December 23 2020 extended deadline for submitting talk proposals
  • January 15 2020 deadline for uploading pre-recorded talks
  • Conference dates 6 & 7 February 2021 online
  • Sunday February 7th 2021 Web Performance devroom at FOSDEM21 online!