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PAWS/Additional features

From Wikitech

This page contains information on additional features and customizations that PAWS offers.

Sharing Notebooks

Realtime collaboration through the sharing of a notebook is possible. You can share access to your notebook by selecting:

Share - Share Jupyter Server Link
Share - Share Jupyter Server Link

This will give you a link that can be shared with anyone you wish to have access to your notebooks.


Anyone you share this link with will have full access to your PAWS environment. They could potentially make edits as you or do anything that PAWS can do, just as you. If you are concerned that your link is being abused you can reset it by restarting your PAWS server:

File - Hub Control Panel - Stop My Server

After which you can start your server again, and the old share link will no longer be valid. A new one can be generated and shared as described above.


Some features may not function with JupyterLab. RetroLab emulates the previous interface style and is available by selecting "Open With RetroLab" from a notebook:

Interface - Open With RetroLab
Interface - Open With RetroLab