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Nova Resource:Deployment-prep/HetDeploy

From Wikitech

We have heterogeneous deployment set up more or less as it is on the Wikimedia cluster.

A few notes:

  • Code is staged in /srv/mediawiki-staging/ on the deployment-deploy04.deployment-prep.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud instance.
  • To run a maintenance script, use mwscript just as you would in production.
  • scap commands run as the user jenkins-deploy.
  • To become the deploy user, sudo -u jenkins-deploy -s.
  • MediaWiki is in /srv/mediawiki-staging/php-master. You can update it using git after becoming the jekins-deploy user.
    • Jenkins jobs can update /srv/mediawiki-staging at any time, so live hacking the beta cluster code and config is unpredictable.