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News/2021 Stretch deprecation

From Wikitech
(Redirected from News/Stretch deprecation)

This page keeps track of our ongoing effort towards Debian Stretch deprecation, which happened upstream on July 6, 2021.

Tell me exactly what I need to do

Cloud VPS project maintainers

  • Check toolforge:os-deprecation for reports about your project(s)
  • For each reported deprecated instance:
    • Create a new instance using Debian Bullseye (longest time until future deprecation) or Debian Buster
    • Move content and configuration from the old Stretch instance to the new instance
    • If you are using a web proxy on the old instance, delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance
    • Shutdown the old Stretch instance
    • Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Stretch instance
    • When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Stretch instance

If you need additional quota to create new virtual machine instances, follow the instructions on Phabricator to request a temporary quota increase.

Toolforge tool maintainers

Please see the information at News/2022 Toolforge Stretch deprecation#What should I do?.

Why are we doing this?

On July 6, 2021 the Debian project stopped providing security patch support for the Debian 9 "Stretch" release. It did, however, move to LTS support and will receive updates other than backports from the LTS team until end of June 2022.

Timelines. What will change? What has changed already?

Cloud VPS projects

In March 2021, instance creation was disabled by default for new Debian Stretch virtual machines (VMs).

The timeline for the remainder of the process is:

  • In August 2021, create a Phabricator task, a page on Wikitech. An announcement needs to be scheduled and set up.
  • January 1st, 2022: Stretch VM creation disabled in all projects, deprecation nagging begins in earnest.
  • May 1, 2022: All active Stretch VMs will be shut down (but not deleted) by WMCS admins.
  • June 30, 2022: LTS support for Debian Stretch ends, all Stretch VMs will be deleted by WMCS admins


Please see main article News/2022 Toolforge Stretch deprecation.

See also