News/2019 Jessie deprecation
< News
This page keeps track of our ongoing effort towards Debian Jessie deprecation before April 2020.
Tell me exactly what I need to do
Cloud VPS project maintainers
- Check for reports about your project(s)
- For each reported deprecated instance:
- Create a new instance using Debian Buster (longest time until future deprecation) or Debian Stretch
- Move content and configuration from the old Jessie instance to the new instance
- If you are using a web proxy on the old instance, delete the proxy and the add a new one with the same name pointing at the new instance
- Shutdown the old Jessie instance
- Update any maintainer documentation to reference the new instance rather than the old Jessie instance
- When you are sure you have all the content and configuration moved, delete the old Jessie instance
If you need additional quota to create new virtual machine instances, follow the instructions on Phabricator to request a temporary quota increase.
Toolforge tool maintainers
TBD; that said, the following webservice types for the kubernetes backend are already based on Stretch containers:
- php7.2
- tcl
- python3.5
- golang
- jdk8
- node10
Why are we doing this?
On June 30, 2020 the Debian project will stop providing security patch support for the Debian 8 "Jessie" release.
Timelines. What will change? What has changed already?
Cloud VPS projects
In March 2019, instance creation was disabled for new Debian Jessie virtual machines (VMs).
The timeline for the remainder of the process is:
- In September 2019 (2019-09-11), create a Phabricator task, a page on Wikitech, and announce deprecation plan to Cloud VPS community via the cloud-announce mailing list.
- In September 2019, create a scoreboard tool to list all Cloud VPS projects and instances believed to be running Debian Jessie.
- In October 2019, create Phabricator tasks for every Cloud VPS project having Jessie instances running.
- In November 2019, ping project administrator (same Phabricator tasks) if they are still using Jessie.
- In December 2019, deadline. Evaluate if Jessie VMs not migrated are actually in use and why they weren't migrated.
- In January 2020, shutdown all Jessie instances (unless special arrangements have been made for extension of deadline).
- Toolforge Bastions and Grid Engine environments are already using Debian Stretch, so no change is needed there.
- Some Kubernetes runtimes are currently using Debian Jessie as a base layer. The Toolforge administration team will be working to ensure that suitable Stretch/Buster replacements are available.
- The Toolforge Kubernetes cluster used Debian Jessie instances for its control plane and runtime environment. A migration to a newer cluster using Debian Buster instances is in the design and testing phase (phab:T214513).