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Help talk:Toolforge/Abandoned tool policy

From Wikitech

Just an FYI. I've added a quick link to make it easier to Adopt a tool.

I made that link by following the instructions/example in mw:Phabricator/Help/Task Creation URL, and by copying an example Description into https://www.url-encode-decode.com/ to get the properly encoded URL structure. Quiddity (talk) 19:06, 3 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

FWIW, there is now a dedicated tool, Phabulous, for creating such URLs :) Lucas Werkmeister (talk) 00:58, 23 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Database passwords not necessarily removed

For the record, per discussion in T380537#10346360 and #10348104 it sounds like at least @SD0001 and I agree that ToolsDB passwords don’t necessarily need to be removed as part of the adoption process, but rather that ToolsDB contents can be seen as a part of the tool that’s being adopted. The policy allows the committee to make this decision at its discretion, but the current phrasing suggests that removing the ToolsDB passwords (and/or, by necessity, clearing out the ToolsDB contents) should be considered the normal case. If nobody else objects, I think we should update the policy text accordingly. (I might do this myself later, but I may also forget, so I’m leaving this comment here just in case ^^) Lucas Werkmeister (talk) 01:04, 23 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

I think it is reasonably to make the toolsdb purge discretionary. If I think hard about it I think the main thing to look out for would be stored OAuth credentials for end users that would be tied to grant that had its secrets removed. -- BryanDavis (talk) 01:28, 23 January 2025 (UTC)Reply