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Wikimedia Cloud Services team/EnhancementProposals/2020 Network refresh/Implementation details

From Wikitech

This page contains the implementation details for the 2020 Network refresh project.


In the eqiad datacenter, related to the eqiad1 openstack deployment.

specs for eqiad1

On cloudgw side, each server:

  • Hardware, misc box
    • CPU: 16 CPU
    • RAM: 32 GB
    • Disk: 500GB
    • 2 x 10Gbps NICs. NICs are bonded/teamed/aggregated for redundancy.
  • Software
    • standard puppet management
    • prometheus metrics, icinga monitoring
    • netfilter for NAT/firewalling
    • keepalived or corosync/pacemaker for HA

On cloudsw side, each device:

  • Juniper QFX5100 switches with L3 routing licenses

network setup in eqiad1


IPv4 allocations: - Openstack instances NAT - reserved for the above groth - unused - unused - infrastructure - 1120 - cloud-instances-transport1 - 1104 - cloudsw1-c8<->cloudsw1-d5 - cloud-xlink1 - unused - loopbacks

VLAN allocations:

1102 - cr1<->cloudsw1-c8 - cloud-transit1-eqiad
1103 - cr2<->cloudsw1-d5 - cloud-transit2-eqiad
1104 - cloudsw1-c8<->cloudsw1-d5 - cloud-xlink1-eqiad
1105 - cloud-instances1-eqiad
1106 - cloud-storage1-eqiad
1107 - cloudsw1<->cloudgw - cloud-gw-transport-eqiad ?
1118 - cloud-hosts1-eqiad

1120 - cloud-instances-transport1-eqiad

stage 0 starting point, current network setup

VLAN Switched on L2 Members L3 Gateway (“to internet”)
cloud-hosts1-eqiad asw2-b cr1/2

all cloudvirt eth0

all Ceph OSD eth0

cr1/2 (via asw2-b)
cloud-instances2-eqiad asw2-b all cloud VPS

all cloudvirt eth1

cloudnet1003/1004 eth1

cloudnet1003/1004 eth1
cloud-instances-transport1-eqiad asw2-b cloudnet1003/1004 eth0 cr1/2
cloud-storage1-eqiad asw2-b all cloudcephosd eth1 (none)

The cloud-hosts vlan, which is part of the production realm, is curently routed on cr1/2-eqiad:ae2.1118. Which are the interfaces facing asw2-b-eqiad.

In the optic of better separation of WMCS and production realm, that routing should be moved to cr1/2-eqiad:xe-3/0/4.1118, the interfaces facing cloudsw.

This already contributes to goals (A) and (C). This was a low complexity change. See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T261866 for the implementation.

stage 1: validate cloudgw changes in codfw

This is a NOOP in the eqiad DC.

stage 2: enable L3 routing on cloudsw nodes

This will contribute to goals (A), (B), (C) and (D) of the project.

Steps and implementation on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T265288

At this stage:

VLAN Switched on L2 Members L3 Gateway (“to internet”)
cloud-hosts1-eqiad asw2-b*



all cloudvirt eth0

all Ceph OSD eth0

cr1/2 (via cloudsw)
cloud-instances2-eqiad asw2-b*


all cloud VPS

all cloudvirt eth1

cloudnet1003/1004 eth1

cloudnet1003/1004 eth1
cloud-instances-transport1-eqiad asw2-b*



cloudnet1003/1004 eth0

cloud-transit1/2-eqiad cloudsw cr1/2


cloud-storage1-eqiad asw2-b*


all cloudcephosd eth1 (none)

* To be removed when hosts are moved away from that device

stage 3: enable L3 routing on cloudgw nodes

  • connectivity between cloudgw and the cloud-hosts1-b-eqiad subnet.
    • L3:
      • a single IP address allocated by standard methods for ssh management, puppet, monitoring, etc. Gateway for this subnet lives on core routers, but is switches through cloudgw after stage 1.
    • L2:
  • connectivity between cloudgw and cloudsw:
    • L3:
      • allocate new transport range and vlan 11XX.
      • static routes between cloudgw and cloudsw
    • L2:
  • connectivity between cloudsw and prod core router:
    • L1: cloudsw are directly connected to the prod core routers using 1x10G port each
    • L2: 2 vlans are trunked between the two sides: vlan 1118 (cloud-hosts) and 1102 (public interco vlan)
    • L3: allocate two new interco /31s prefixes ( and, configure eBGP in stage 2A


In the codfw datacenter, related to the codfw1dev openstack deployment.

specs for codfw1dev

For cloudgw, repurpose labtestvirt2003 as cloudgw2001-dev.

For cloudsw, we assume we wont have the device anytime soon.

network setup in codfw1dev

Specific configuration details for each stage.


IPv4 allocations: - Openstack instances NAT (floating IPs) - 2107 - cloud-gw-transport-codfw (cloudgw <-> neutron) - unused - unused - unused - infrastructure - 2120 - cloud-instances-transport1-b-codfw (cr-codfw <-> cloudgw)

VLAN allocations:

2105 - cloud-instances1-codfw (
2107 - cloud-gw-transport-codfw (cloudgw <-> neutron) (
2118 - cloud-hosts1-codfw (
2120 - cloud-instances-transport1-codfw (cr-codfw <-> cloudgw) (

stage 0: starting point, current network setup

TODO: for reference, include here some bits about the starting setup of the network?

stage 1: validate cloudgw changes in codfw

Given we don't have hardware for testing the cloudsw setup in codfw, we assume we are working with core routers and asw.

In this stage, we validate all the cloudgw changes that will be later implemented in eqiad. We use the labtestvirt2003.codfw.wmnet server acting as cloudgw in this PoC.

  • connectivity between cloudgw and the cloud-hosts1-b-codfw subnet.
    • L3:
      • a single IP address allocated by standard methods for ssh management, puppet, monitoring, etc. Gateway for this subnet lives in the core router (we don't have cloudsw)
    • L2:

neutron operations

  • define new subnet object
  • update external fixed IP address, now using an address from vlan 2107 cloud-gw-transport-codfw (
  • disable SNAT (now done in cloudgw)
root@cloudcontrol2001-dev:~# openstack router show cloudinstances2b-gw -f yaml
admin_state_up: UP
availability_zone_hints: ''
availability_zones: nova
created_at: '2018-03-29T14:18:50Z'
description: ''
distributed: false
external_gateway_info: '{"network_id": "57017d7c-3817-429a-8aa3-b028de82cdcc", "enable_snat":
  true, "external_fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": "31214392-9ca5-4256-bff5-1e19a35661de",
  "ip_address": ""}]}'
flavor_id: null
ha: true
id: 5712e22e-134a-40d3-a75a-1c9b441717ad
interfaces_info: '[{"port_id": "21e10025-d464-45a6-82ac-25894e9164e4", "ip_address":
  "", "subnet_id": "7adfcebe-b3d0-4315-92fe-e8365cc80668"}, {"port_id":
  "5dc9c3b7-245f-43f7-8db1-baf7bdf175fd", "ip_address": "", "subnet_id":
  "651250de-53ca-4487-97ce-e6f65dc4b8ec"}, {"port_id": "727a378d-3558-4132-933a-e2e72c28e532",
  "ip_address": "", "subnet_id": "651250de-53ca-4487-97ce-e6f65dc4b8ec"}]'
name: cloudinstances2b-gw
project_id: admin
revision_number: 2
routes: ''
status: ACTIVE
tags: ''
updated_at: '2019-10-02T10:30:11Z'
root@cloudcontrol2001-dev:~# openstack subnet create --network wan-transport-codfw --gateway --no-dhcp --subnet-range cloud-gw-transport-codfw
| Field             | Value                                |
| allocation_pools  |            |
| cidr              |                       |
| created_at        | 2020-10-09T08:48:11Z                 |
| description       |                                      |
| dns_nameservers   |                                      |
| enable_dhcp       | False                                |
| gateway_ip        |                          |
| host_routes       |                                      |
| id                | 2596edb4-5a40-41b9-9e67-f1f9e40e329c |
| ip_version        | 4                                    |
| ipv6_address_mode | None                                 |
| ipv6_ra_mode      | None                                 |
| name              | cloud-gw-transport-codfw             |
| network_id        | 57017d7c-3817-429a-8aa3-b028de82cdcc |
| project_id        | admin                                |
| revision_number   | 0                                    |
| segment_id        | None                                 |
| service_types     |                                      |
| subnetpool_id     | None                                 |
| tags              |                                      |
| updated_at        | 2020-10-09T08:48:11Z                 |
root@cloudcontrol2001-dev:~# openstack router set --external-gateway wan-transport-codfw --fixed-ip subnet=cloud-gw-transport-codfw,ip-address= cloudinstances2b-gw
root@cloudcontrol2001-dev:~# openstack subnet delete cloud-instances-transport1-b-codfw
root@cloudcontrol2001-dev:~# openstack router set --disable-snat cloudinstances2b-gw --external-gateway wan-transport-codfw

That command disables both routing_source_ip and dmz_cidr according to this diff (note the specific rules are missing):

stage 1: validation checklist

This list should help validate the new model works as expected.

  1. The cloudgw deployment is reproducible, server can be properly reimaged
  2. Traffic is isolated between data plane and control plane networks
  3. VM (no floating IP) contacting the internet gets NATed using routing_source_ip
  4. VM (no floating IP) contacting an address covered by dmz_cidr doesn't get NATed using routing_source_ip
  5. VM (using floating IP) isn't affected by either routing_source_ip or dmz_cidr
  6. VM (no floating IP) can contact auth DNS server
  7. VM (no floating IP) can contact rec DNS server
  8. VM (using floating IP) can contact auth DNS server
  9. VM (using floating IP) can contact rec DNS server
  10. VM (no floating IP) can contact LDAP server
  11. VM (using floating IP) can contact LDAP server
  12. VM (no floating IP) can mount NFS (dumps)
  13. VM (floating IP) can mount NFS (dumps)
  14. VM (no floating IP) can mount NFS (scratch)
  15. VM (floating IP) can mount NFS (scratch)
  16. VM (no floating IP) can mount NFS (maps)
  17. VM (floating IP) can mount NFS (maps)
  18. VM (no floating IP) can mount NFS (tools)
  19. VM (floating IP) can mount NFS (tools)
  20. VM (no floating IP) can connect to wiki-replicas
  21. VM (floating IP) can connect to wiki-replicas
  22. VM (no floating IP) can use openstack endpoints
  23. VM (floating IP) can use openstack endpoints
  24. All VMs can use the internal openstack metadata address
  25. puppetmasters VM work as expected
  26. security groups work as expected

stage 2: enable L3 routing on cloudsw nodes

Given we don't have hardware for testing the cloudsw setup in codfw, we assume we are working with core routers and asw.

Therefore this stage is a NOOP in the codfw datacenter.

stage 3: enable L3 routing on cloudgw nodes

All the codfw changes were done in the stage 1, therefore this stage is a NOOP in the codfw datacenter.