Wikifunctions/Beta Cluster
The Beta Cluster houses a functional test instance of Wikifunctions and associated services, with all software components running at HEAD.
The URL for Wikifunctions wiki is
function-orchestrator and function-evaluator
The function-{orchestrator,evaluator} services run under Docker, on the deployment-docker-wikifunctions01 cloud instance.
- To view the configuration for the services, see the YAML file for the Wikifunctions instance .
- To make changes to the configuration, use Horizon to manage the instance.
- To access the instance via SSH, see Help:Accessing Cloud VPS instances.
You need to be a member of the deployment-prep project to access the instance via SSH, and a project admin to change the instance configuration.
Both services are exposed via a web proxy. The evaluator is exposed to facilitate testing.
Service | Public address | Internal address |
Orchestrator |
Evaluator |
The function-* services log to Logstash (see #Debug logs below for details).
The units are configured to automatically restart on failure. If deployment-docker-wikifunctions01 is up but one or both of the services are down, they are probably crash-looping. To debug, SSH into the machine and run:
# Check service status:
$ sudo systemctl status mediawiki-services-function-orchestrator
# Get additional logs:
$ sudo journalctl --unit=mediawiki-services-function-orchestrator
# See which Docker image is running:
$ docker inspect --format='{{.Name}} {{.Image}}' $(docker ps -aq)
# Get an interactive shell inside the Docker container:
$ docker exec -u root -it mediawiki-services-function-orchestrator.service bash
# Once you're inside the container you can run `apt update` followed by `apt install` to install additional debugging tools.
(Replace 'orchestrator' with 'evaluator' in the commands above for debugging the function-evaluator.)
Running MediaWiki maintenance scripts
To run maintenance scripts, you need to SSH into the Beta Cluster deployment host (currently
). See Help:Accessing Cloud VPS instances for access instructions.
Once you've logged in, you need to wrap invocations of maintenance scripts with mwscript
, specifying --wiki=wikifunctionswiki
to ensure the code runs in the context of Wikifunctions.
For example:
mwscript extensions/WikiLambda/maintenance/loadPreDefinedObject.php --zid Z4 --wiki=wikifunctionswiki
- To run raw SQL against the database (don't), run:
mwscript maintenance/sql.php --wiki=wikifunctionswiki
- To run code in an interactive MediaWiki PHP REPL, run:
mwscript maintenance/shell.php --wiki=wikifunctionswiki
If you do anything potentially destructive, remember to log it to the RelEng server action log via !log message
in #wikimedia-releng connect.
Debug logs
Logs from both MediaWiki and the function-* services are shipped to Logstash. See Logstash § Beta Cluster Logstash for access instructions.