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From Wikitech

Ship To:

Silicon Mechanics
9100 15th Place South
Suite A
Seattle, WA 98108
Attn: Relevant RMA

Newer RMAs

RMA# Server Serial Number Server Name Item Comments Status Sent Track Return Track (Fedex Ground unless stated)
12859-1 12603 moreri Drive Failed drive Complete ? ?
12862-1 12604 zwinger Drive Failed drive Complete 723123356005 ?
12403-1 20088 srv119 Drive Drive DOA Complete 723123355248 426422560010789
12286-2 20089 srv118 2 Drives Both failed verification Complete 717704400217 426422560010789
12286-1 20089 srv118 Motherboard No raid bios replaced 723123354973 426422560010628
12223-1 18052, 18060 and 18546 sq3, srv51, srv54 3 Motherboards Faulty raid replaced 723123354973 426422560010628
12223-2 18052 srv51 drive failed drive Complete 723123355400 426422560010840
12118-1 18566 srv80 Disk Bad sectors Complete 723123354399 426422560010239
12079-1 16176 srv20 Disk Bad sectors Complete 723123354230 426422560010130
11953-2 (Wikia) 19517 box7 Motherboard Failed raid controller Complete 723123354105 426422560010031
11953 18045 srv56 Motherboard Failed raid controller Complete Nothing Shipped Nothing Shipped

Older RMAs

RMA# Server Serial Number Server Name Item Comments Status Sent Track Return Track (Fedex Ground unless stated)
3397 11767 ixia Drive Failed raid Complete 468824752364704
3293 Multiple Multiple Memory (4x) MCE Errors Complete 1Z9Y393Y1366450782 426422560007499
3274 14784 anthony Drive Bad Blocks Complete 1Z9Y393Y1366450782 426422560007499
3163 sq7 Drive MCE errors Complete 723123349507 #426422560002081
3134 sq3 Memory, 2X Would not initialize Complete 723123349507 #426422560002061
3087 SM18047 srv55 Memory MCE Errors Fixed, Complete 426422560001053
3080 SM15147 SM15146 srv5 srv10 Harddrive Failed, and bad blocks Complete 723123348680 426422560000995
3055 1X 10k rpm Harddrive Complete 723123348680 426422560000995
3034 SM18140 amane Raid Controller Overheating BBU Complete 1Z9Y393Y1365973157 426422560000995
3011 SM12605 Yongle 1 Stick of memory One stick of bad memory Complete 1z9y393y1366183884 468824721358161
2910 SM13360 SM14438 Ariel, webster? (I thought it was another one) 4 Harddrives Rebuilt both raid arrays Complete 1Z9Y393Y1356366508 468824721358185
2935 SM17408 srv42 2 Sticks of memory Memory advance replaced (2 sticks 12847 not 12127) Complete 1z9y393y1366739891 468824721358161
2950 SM15145 srv9 1 stick of memory 12091 (overnight for original rma 2946) Complete 1z9y393y1367762738 468824721358161
2946 SM15145 srv9 1 stick of memory 12091 (ground shipment, by mistake) Not used. Complete 1z9y393y0367602367 468824721358161
2953 SM14438 webster 2 Harddrives Raid rebuilt. Complete 1z9y393y1367890153 468824721358178
2927 SM16369 adler 8 sticks of memory (12127) replaced Stable, complete   426422560001053

Support Tickets

Ticket # Server Serial Number Server Name Item Comments Status Sent Track Return Track
Ticket # 10728 SM16185 SM15150 srv26, srv2 Systems overheating / crashing No reports of further overheating