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From Wikitech


Baseline for all commands/checks

ssh -N bast2002.wikimedia.org -L 9243:search.svc.eqiad.wmnet:9243 -L 9443:search.svc.eqiad.wmnet:9443 -L 9643:search.svc.eqiad.wmnet:9643

ssh -N bast2002.wikimedia.org -L 9243:search.svc.codfw.wmnet:9243 -L 9443:search.svc.codfw.wmnet:9443 -L 9643:search.svc.codfw.wmnet:9643

Overview of the cluster's health

curl -s -k https://localhost:9643/_cluster/health?pretty

Check uptime of daemons

curl -s -k 'https://localhost:9243/_cat/nodes?h=n,u' | sort

Check settings

curl -s -k 'https://localhost:9243/_cluster/settings?pretty' | grep enable

Check status of shards

curl -s -k 'https://localhost:9243/_cat/shards' | grep -v STARTED | sort
curl -s -k 'https://localhost:9243/_cat/recovery' | grep -v done | sort
curl -s -k 'https://localhost:9243/_cluster/allocation/explain?pretty'

Check shard allocation size/host

curl -s -k 'https://localhost:9243/_cat/allocation?v

Check ongoing reindex

curl -s -k https://localhost:9243/_tasks?actions=*reindex | jq '.'