
From Wikitech

- Is there guidance/documentation on test-running services from deployment-charts in minikube, or any other local dev environment? Mostly I'm looking to repeat an edit-run cycle over and over.

- Most of our charts should deploy to minikube simply using helm. You probably want in minkube to also run a kafka instance, there's some prior art on doing so in other charts but I don't think there's good docs.

- Any particular bits I need? It looks like I need to setup chartmuseum or something similar and register it with helm, so the `wmf-repo/foo` resolves. Any other things like that?

- Ah yeah I don't use helmfile, that's just for production. Locally you might be easier off just using helm: `helm install charts/<my-chart>`

- I believe changeprop's chart has some support for a dev kafka instance, but I haven't used it in a long time so I couldn't vouch for it