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User:AndreaWest/WDQS Testing/Explaining the Benchmark Queries Spreadsheet

From Wikitech

The Wikidata SPARQL queries are defined in the Wikidata-Benchmark-Queries.xlsx in the wikidata-tests repository. There are two types of tests, static ones for compliance and dynamic ones for stress and workload testing, and two worksheet pages (one sheet for each type). The WikiTech page, WDQS Testing defines how testing will be executed.

Note that over time, additional queries will be added to the workload testing to better mimic required query characteristics.

The following sections overview the contents of the "Compliance" and "Stress" worksheets. Each row of a worksheet defines one test.


The columns of the Compliance worksheet are:


The columns of the Stress worksheet are:

  • Stress Test Query
  • Based on Static Query
  • % of Queries
  • Comments