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From Wikitech
Toolforge tools
Train blocker task
Website https://train-blockers.toolforge.org
Description Shows you the train blocker task for the current week
Author(s) Taavi Väänänen (Majavahtalk)
Maintainer(s) Taavi Väänänen (View all)
Source code labs/tools/train-blockers
License GNU Affero General Public License 3.0
Admin log Nova resource:Tools.train-blockers/SAL

A tool for showing this week's train blocker task. Bookmark it!

Other cool features


A JSON API is available at https://train-blockers.toolforge.org/api.php

Create blocker

You can bookmark https://train-blockers.toolforge.org/create_task.php to create a task with priority and parent task automatically set. It requires access to the advanced task creation form due to Wikimedia's Phabricator configuration.