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From Wikitech
Toolforge tools
browser adder
Website steve-adder
Description browser version summation
Keywords browser, pageviews
Author(s) Legoktmtalk
Maintainer(s) (View all)
Source code https://gitlab.com/legoktm/steve-adder
License GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 or later
Issues Tool talk:steve-adder

steve-adder is a tool that makes it easy to calculate what percent of page views specific browser versions compose. The main goal is to help inform on-wiki CSS editors (and possibly developers) the impact of using newer features that don't work on older browsers. It was originally requested in T309759.


The web interface and data parser is written in Rust, mostly following the setup described in the My first Rust tool tutorial. A cronjob downloads a new tsv file every day at midnight UTC, but analytics.wikimedia.org only updates with new data every week.