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From Wikitech
Toolforge tools
Morfeusz morphological analyzer and disambiguator
Description Provides an API entry point for a web service-based instance of Morfeusz.
Keywords api, web tools, plwiktionary
Author(s) Peter Bowmantalk
Maintainer(s) Peter Bowman (View all)
Source code https://github.com/PeterBowman/morfeusz-lookup
License BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License
Issues GitHub
Admin log Nova Resource:Tools.morfeusz/SAL

Both aspects of Morfeusz are covered: morphological analysis and morphological disambiguation. See http://morfeusz.sgjp.pl/doc/about/en for details. Concraft-pl is used for morphosyntactic tagging and disambiguation, see http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/Concraft.

See also