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Project Template

The Project Template puts a small box in the upper right corner of the page with essential information about the project: it's name, a link to an RT ticket or Bugzilla bug for the project, and the owner.

Example Usage:

  | state=Current
  | name=External Storage Update
  | rt=1300
  | owner=Bhartshorne
  | date=2011-09-30


  • Description: Shows the state of the project, i.e. whether it is a proposed but not yet active project, if it is currently in progress, or if it has been completed.
  • Effect: Changes the first line of the box to indicate current state. Adds the page to the {{{state}}} Project category
  • Default: Current
  • Possible values: Current, Proposed, On Hold, Completed


  • Description: The name of the project. This should be how we refer to it, and may or may not match the name of the page. If there are many wiki pages all relating to a single project, use the same name and they'll all be categorized together.
  • Effect: creates a category with the project name, inserts the name into the box.
  • Default: the name of the current wiki page
  • Possible values: string


  • Description: The RT ID of the master ticket for this project. The ticket should have subtickets detailing the actual work to be done.
  • Effect: inserts the ID into the box and links it to the RT ticket
  • Default: 0
  • Possible values: positive integer
    • the value should be the bare ID of the RT ticekt. eg rt-1300 just gets 1300.


  • Description: The ID of bugzilla bug for this project.
  • Effect: inserts the ID into the box and links it to the bug
  • Default: 0
  • Possible values: positive integer
    • the value should be the bare ID of the bug.


  • Description: The person that is responsible for the project. This does not necessarily indicate the person who is doing all the work on the project; it merely identifies a point person who should know what's going on and is the lead.
  • Effect: populates the owner field in the box and links it to the User page
  • Default: CT
  • Possible values: the wiki username of an opsen.
    • the value should be a wiki username since the value will be inserted into a wiki link as [[User:{{owner}}]]


  • Description: Due date or Completion date, depending on whether it's a current or completed project
  • Effect: populates the Due or Finished field in the box
  • Default: No due date
  • Possible values: any date, preferably in ISO-8601 format.