Talk:Wikimedia Cloud Services team/EnhancementProposals/Toolforge Buildpack Implementation
Latest comment: 3 years ago by Bstorm in topic Should we use kpack or tekton pipelines
Should we use kpack or tekton pipelines
I'm kind of leaning toward Tekton because it can be used for CD as well, and it has a nice readonly dashboard to let people feel like they can see what's happening. It's definitely more complex both in build and in the way it will be triggered by a commit push, though. A kpack Image object can theoretically poll for changes. Either way, each one requires some k8s resources to be created in a consistent way by script or API call, and then things should just happen. Bstorm (talk) 22:10, 28 July 2021 (UTC)
- I've got a working model of Tekton at this point. I see no reason not to use it. The buildpack task requires root in the init container (to chown things to uid 1000), but that pod is not given a free hand and doesn't not run in privileged mode. Bstorm (talk) 23:30, 3 August 2021 (UTC)